29 September 2009

Fairy card

Hand-drawn fairy card using Lyra pencil crayons. Hopefully she won't notice the wonky stamping!!


You know when you just need to have a week where you can just sew all the time, with no interruptions, no holidays, birthdays or christenings (where you are a god-parent!) - well can I have one now............please.


Felt food for a birthday present on Thursday. Want to make some clay peas too, but I don't think my brother would appreciate them rolling around his floor ;-).

27 September 2009


Another ordered bag - nature inspired with a purple liner.

26 September 2009

How not to make a purse

I thought I'd make myself a purse before I start on the next two bags and play food that I have to make but it didn't quite go to plan. That will teach me, eh?
As the gorgeous fabric was quite thin I thought I'd add a thin layer of wadding to each piece. Well, that made some of the edges too thick to it wouldn't run through under the footer, so in turn, put a hole in the fabric!! As my hormones are raging at the mo, I thought I'd just take off the zips and see if I can make something else with the padded bits instead of launching everything across the room.
HOPS - you can use them with lavender in small pillows to put in your pillowcase as they are a natural sedative. Just dry them in the airing cupboard or (if your lucky the) sunshine and then store them for use (I use an old hessian bag to store mine in).

24 September 2009

'Medals' and another off the list

My brother-in-law joked on FB about my sister-in-law needing a medal - she said she needed one for putting up with him. So, I've made a surprise brooch instead.

And, I've finally finished the things that my sister requested from my Mum's skirt. There's still a little bit left so I'll try and make her a shopping bag as well.

23 September 2009

One off the list and the GP Season Swap

The peg bag for my sister made with some scrap fabric and one of my Mum's skirts. Just got to do the carrier bag holder now.

This is like the Season Swap item I made for the GP swap. I loved it so much I had to make one for us too. Mine parcel hasn't arrived yet, but hopefully it will be here soon.

I also had my very first sales through Handmade Haven - very exciting.

20 September 2009

Foraging and Vans

Hubby and I went foraging with a pair of ladders and my large basket and came back with a mountain of hops. We sat and removed them from their vines in the evening and there they are drying in the gorgeous sunshine we have had today.
One campervan tin as suggested. Three campervans around the tin, black and orange cotton for the top and bottom blanket stitch. In the shop now.

18 September 2009

More supplies and.....

Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous fabric from ebay.

Bargains from the charity shop.

........a necklace I made out of waxed cord and beads from a necklace that my delightful JJ snapped.
Fab day.

17 September 2009

Sneaky treat

Now I know I've had a few books of late, but I consider them to be useful rather than useless

(in other words, I will use them rather than just look admiringly at them). Now this treat is of the useless kind, but it is oh, so utterly gorgeous. Remember the doodle-stitching book - well, the author is a very talented lady and makes things too. Go visit her shop on Etsy.

Afternoon in the kitchen

Banana tea loaf from the bero cookbook that belonged to my Mum.

Beetroot cooking ready for pickling later.

Strawberries sitting in sugar (draws out the juices) waiting to be made into jam tomorrow.

Squash curry simmering away in the slow cooker - recipe posted by the lovely Joxy on the GP forum.

And last but not least, hops gathered this morning, to be dried to make beer with.

15 September 2009

A bit of everything

New labels which are shorter than the others.

40th birthday card for a green man loving brother-in-law.

A prize from a fabulous blog give-away. Check out paper-and-string.

A couple of cards for the shop.

A long-awaited Handmade Home book and another (weekend sewing) to keep it company in the Amazon box ;-).

They'll be more tomorrow, but I'm still trying to catch up from being away at the weekend.

11 September 2009

The other red bag

Now, this is a scheduled listing as I'm away for the weekend so hopefully it has worked. It is hopefully Friday evening and the above bag has been received by Claire who ordered it.

10 September 2009

Bits for the shop

I've actually managed a couple of pieces for the shop - woohooo. Feels like I've neglected it since I got it set up.

09 September 2009

Quick update

My address labels arrived this afternoon - very pleased with them. I was going to upload one of my own pictures (as I did with the Moo cards) but that worked out very expensive with the website I used.
I've also managed to cover a 4'x 2.5' piece of foam which will be part of our bed in the splitty, and I've made 2 cushion covers. The one above matches the sign writing that is on the side of the van. The other one is just plain black.

Give-away bag

Here's piccies of the give-away bag from my shop, which was won by the lovely Pippa. I have it on good authority that it arrived safely, so I can now show you the piccies.
Next red bag is virtually done so I'll be able to show you that as soon as I know it's landed safely.
Right, off to finish said bag and make some cushions for our splitty.

06 September 2009

Sore fingers

Just a quickie to say I've nearly finished 2 bags of the 'shop' list (one being the prize for the give-away), that my fingers are really sore from stabbing them repeatedly with the needle, and that there should be some piccies tomorrow! Really want to do some bits to take with us when we go to Vanfest at the weekend but I can see I'm going to end up sewing seat covers for the van instead. Oh, I should hopefully be able to show you some naughty purchases in the next few days too (depending on how long they take to arrive).

03 September 2009


Charity shop finds at the top, then a few buttons from a shop on Ebay.
Finished all the san pro (phew) so I can now start on the bags again.