25 February 2011


Since my Mum died I have struggled, not only with her death but with who I became. I wanted to be the person who I was before she died, I struggled for years with that want, always looking back, not just at the loss of my Mum, but at the loss of myself. Coming to the end of last year, and coming to terms with her loss, accepting that loss and looking forwards, I now have to find myself again. The last few days I have been thinking about who I am then yesterday while sorting out my bookshelves I picked up this little book, randomly opened it up and this is what I read.
Call, it odd, or strange, or even slightly freaky, but what a page to open itself on (this is a very thick book!). This morning I had to search for the page because I couldn't find it! Anyway, it seems I have another goal for the year, as well as embracing everything, that is to find myself again. Or maybe it's to accept who I am now? There's lots of things running round this head of mine, including a new found spirituality. I know I'm not religious in a Christian/God sense but a few things speak to me..mainly buddhism and paganism. A lovely lady (you know who you are xx) suggested I just be, just live, listen to my thoughts, that the answers will come from within, so this is what I'm trying to do now.

23 February 2011

For those that asked

I turned my blog into a book with blog2print :o). I've used them twice now - this last time the book actually got lost in the post but they sent another straight out (they are in America).
Hope that helps.

22 February 2011

Short and sweet today

Year Two of my blog in print :o).

Hubby and I went to his works dinner and dance on Saturday evening (first time out without the children in years!) and I didn't have an evening bag so I crocheted one on saturday afternoon. Really pleased with it.

This is the crochet flower myself and one of the other mum's did at home ed group last week. She's not crocheted for about 20 years but she picked it up really quickly.
Short and sweet today as we have a poorly boy in the house again so the general mood is not good. Hope everyone else is fairing better.

17 February 2011


Ylang ylang and orange sea salt scrub for a wedding anniversary gift and re-melted candles (including some wax from those round cheeses) for my sister.

Some of the chocolate cakes with chocolate icing that JJ and I made yesterday. Meant to take a piccie of the crochet mesh scarf so far (60cm) but I forgot so hopefully show you later. Off to home ed group now - have a lovely day everyone :o).

15 February 2011

Crochet Crazy

I think I can safely say my craft of the year so far is crochet :o). Lots of stars, lots of headbands, a few chokers, and lots of free form to practise how it looks. I thought I'd have a go at a hexagon as I'd already done the star. This is the second attempt as the other wouldn't lay flat as there were too many on the round. Really pleased with this...just need to learn how to write a pattern now!

This is another free form piece. Love this too.

And look at these! These are from patterns - the heart from ravelry and the other from this lovely book. I saw this on Soulemama's website, so went to investigate it. It's a fab little book with lovely gift ideas in it.

Once I'd done the practice mesh piece I thought I might as well start on a proper scarf and very addictive it was too. Hopefully I'll be able to add this to the gift pile for this year. What crafts are you crazy about so far this year?

13 February 2011

Thought I'd better say hello :o)

Hope everyone is ok and enjoying the brief spells of sunshine. Hubby and I were at a wedding on Monday, hence the card above. It was lovely to be out doing something different, but not much else exciting happening this week. We all have colds and the associated rubbish that comes with that so I have spent the last 3 days sorting through all the books in the living room and putting some aside for the home ed group book swap we shall be having for world book day at the beginning of march. You wouldn't think that took so much energy but it has done! Never mind, one more lot of sorting stuff done now :o). I did manage to make this necklace Wednesday evening. Wish I'd had some more larger beads so it was alternated all the way along, but I love it anyway.

I'm so excited as I'm going to my first festival (other than VWs) later in the year. I'll have to take the kids and all the camping stuff on the train as hubby is working but I'm so, so looking forward to it. Anyone else fancy Barefoot?

Off to collapse on the sofa now with a cuppa, the littliest poorly boy and the film Up.

06 February 2011


....lots and lots of stars. Using up loads of bits of wool for these, then I'm going to make them into bunting/garland type thing. As the wool for each is different, it makes the stars different sizes, and they are really quick to make so the piles are growing quite quickly. They are worked just like a granny square except you start with a chain of 5 instead of 4, then work 5 trebles for the first round (instead of the four as you would on the granny square), then continue on as many rounds as you like, then I just do 2 rounds of single crochet to finish them off. These definitely need blocking to make the points more pronouced. Apologies for the appalling explanation :o), but if you can do a granny square, you can do one of these. Have fun x

03 February 2011


Yay for the sewing bug which hit yesterday :o). A couple more campervan cards and the valentines cards finished that I started aaaagggeesssss ago (they shall be in the shop once I've finished here). I've also done the curtains for the kitchen, repaired the sheet with a patch and darned some more socks (not all yesterday I hasten to add). The odd bit of sewing I've done over the last few days must have re-ignited the flame...that or the new moon.
Off to put them in the shop then the sofa and the felt for me :o).