27 September 2011

Cowl/Snood Pattern (hopefully)

 (picture 1)

Firstly, I used 2 balls of Twilleys Freedom wool (100m), with a 10mm hook.  Make a foundation chain so it's big enough to fit over your head and is divisable by 4 (I did 72).  Join, making sure you don't twist the chain, then turn (picture 1).

 (picture 2)

 (picture 3)

Round 1.  *Chain 4 (picture 2), then join this to the foundation chain 4 links along (picture 3)*. 

 (picture 4)

* Repeat to the end then join the last ch4 to the first chain in the very first ch4 you started the round with.  Slip stitch into the loop created (picture 5).

 (picture 5)

(picture 6)

Round 3 to end.  *chain 4, slip stitch into loop*  *repeat to the desired length of your cowl.

 (picture 7 - you can see the pattern beginning to form)

(picture 8)

To finish, slip stitch through loop then pull thread all the way through (picture 8).  Weave in ends.

(picture 9)

If this pattern makes any sense at all your cowl pattern should look like picture 9 ;o).  I've never written a pattern down before so let me know how you get on...please.

26 September 2011

Something quick

At knitter knatter last night I wanted something that was quick, something that would give instant gratification, something that's been on my list for a while.  So here it is...modelled beautifully by JJ, then I thought I best show it on a grown-up (no comments please ;o) ).  So, so simple to make (I did try writing out the pattern but hunger and squawking child don't make for a calm mummy!)

24 September 2011


I entered on a gorgeous blog for this lovely cushion and won!  How fab is it...and the way Shaz used a shirt too is great.  Go take a look :o).

In the evening a lovely friend from our home ed group called in with all this bounty from her allotment...there's alsorts including some fennel which is hidden under all that rhubarb.  I went and helped her with some foraging in payment, although I didn't get any for myself as my hob is still out of action :o(.

22 September 2011

Just had to share

I'm so pleased with these pencil cases...they are actually for a customer but I had to share them here too as it's the first time I've made anything like this!  After the first one which took quite a while the second one was whizzed up super fast.  Thank you C for pushing me beyond my comfort zone again xxx

19 September 2011

Picking up speed

Steadily picking up speed so that everything gets done!  Do I really think that will work?  Of course not..but with everything that's going on I've got to do something to try and get everything done.  I passed my theory test, so that's a good thing.  More lessons this week, and at this rate I shall be taking my practical test quite soon...eek.  I've gone passed the point of wanting to give up and I'm now enjoying...dare I say, even getting excited, waiting for the lessons...I am going to be a driver!!

We've also had the plasterer in the kitchen.  This room has been a nightmare really...odd shape, small, dark.  We knocked a wall down and removed the porch so now it's a very good size but it all needed tidying up and plastering.  Notice how we have the computer but I don't have a hob!  I'm trying to cook meals in the oven only...although yesterday I did have to relent and get the camping gas stove out of the loft (must have proper gravy with my roast).  Right, must go do something useful.  Blessings to all.

13 September 2011

Proud mummy moment

This wonderful artwork was done by JJ, aged 4 years.  He really enjoyed it too, so hopefully I'll get one of the boys engaged in some fabric/yarn craft.

It's my brother-in-laws birthday today so this is his card.  A black felt silhouette of a chopper!  Bit fiddly so not perfectly cut out, but hopefully he'll like it.

Got another driving lesson today so I'm trying to keep busy.  I've also got the theory test this week...eek!  I just keep thinking of all the craft fairs I'll be able to do once I've got my licence :o)

07 September 2011


I thought I would show you on this blog what all the fuss was about :o)  40 tins have arrived safely and are being filled with crayons as we speak, ready for their outing on Saturday.

I wanted to thank you for all your lovely comments on my last post too.  It's been a very odd few weeks but this last week seems to have been much better, unless you count the stomach churning driving lessons!  I really need to try and calm myself down before I go on these as I feel awful.  I think I over think things before hand and get into a right state.

On Monday though (just before one of my aforementioned lessons), there was a knock at the door...not that unusual I hear you say...but there was a florist with a huge bouquet of flowers...very unusual in this house.  Hubby had got me some flowers!! (there will be a piccie once the camera has charged).  Then, after he'd made the lunch and I had put the flowers in 4 vases,  the hubby took me to see Harry Potter (again), just him and me, then we went out for an evening meal....just him and me!!!!!  It was a lovely, lovely day, and a complete surprise.