29 February 2012

Re-using Socks

This is such a simple use of old socks you don't need to be able to sew or anything.  You will need some old socks, a jar or tin, and some scissors.

So first, you need to cut the 'foot' off the sock, then put the sock on your choosen recepticle.  I tried it upto the rim first, then I pulled it all the way up to cover the screw top lines.

Voila!!  How easy was that.  It didn't even take 2 minutes and I've re-used an old sock.  You can add any embellishments you like (there is actually some ribbon tied round this now but I've forgotton to photograph it!).  

28 February 2012

Random Loveliness

 The cat - Tilly - in the dog bed.

 A small portion of the snowdrops we were lucky to inherit when we bought this house.

 A surprise photograph when I uploaded some others I'd taken for Handmade Haven.

 Poached eggs on toasted soda bread from the farmers market.  Perfect.

Herby dumplings on top of soup...my new favourite meal.

Adventures - noodleBubble Button Swap

I am joining in with noodleBubble's Button Swap and blog hop.  This should be so much fun...go take a look at her website and join in.  Go on...there's buttons involved!! :o)

23 February 2012

A little bit of....

If you read my other blog you will know that my days are mainly consisting of soaps,..... 

 card making,.....

 my first visit to a trade fair, and booking craft fairs.

I did manage to win a give-away on this lovely blog.  Just look at all these goodies!  Thank you Louise.  Right, off to try and design a bird hanging for the next craft meeting.  Hope your all busy too :o).

14 February 2012

Another Adventure

Well...he asked a couple of weeks ago, then changed his mind once we were at the barbers, but since his brother had his done he mentioned it again.  So, today we have been for his first hair cut!  JJ's hair was way past his shoulder blades but he wanted hair he could spike up...like Tray Cool from Greenday!  He looks soooo different.  I'm not used to him with short hair at all.  My babies have all grown up!

On a different note entirely..I got to thinking about the things we say, or don't say when asked to give an opinion on something.  The book review I did for the book people has been bothering me since I posted it.  I had to send it to them for checking so I didn't really give my full opinion for fear of...I don't know what really.  Whats the point of doing a review if I'm not going to be honest?!  So now I'm going to be honest but I shall put it here as I already had the original one checked by them.

I was disappointed with the book.  I actually gave the original one away that I bought for myself as it was disappointing and Kirsty irritated me with the TV programme.  She didn't really seem as if she wanted to do half the crafts she did so I never even finished watching the series.  The book is beautiful, but as an actual useable craft book I didn't feel as it inspired me to do anything. 

There, that feels better.  It made me laugh when I opened the parcel from The Book People to be confronted with the book again, but hey ho!

13 February 2012

Book Review - Kirsty Allsopp Craft

The book I'm reviewing is Kirsty Allsopp Craft.
This book has a good quality feel to it that some craft books don't have. Each section begins with a little introduction about the crafts then there are a few projects for you to get stuck in.

There are a good range of activities that would satisfy both a beginner and an accomplished crafty person who wants to try something new. I love how it covers traditional crafts but brings them up-to-date.

I also like how it encourages children to get involved in, what would normally be considered, crafts for grown-ups. The only downside for me is the lack of photographs throughout each activity. Don't get me wrong the photos are beautiful but more progress photos would have made the book perfect for me.

(My attempt at the bath creamers....maybe I should have followed the recipe properly ;o) )

Edited to add (from the next blog post): 
On a different note entirely..I got to thinking about the things we say, or don't say when asked to give an opinion on something. The book review I did for the book people has been bothering me since I posted it. I had to send it to them for checking so I didn't really give my full opinion for fear of...I don't know what really. Whats the point of doing a review if I'm not going to be honest?! So now I'm going to be honest but I shall put it here as I already had the original one checked by them.

I was disappointed with the book. I actually gave the original one away that I bought for myself as it was disappointing and Kirsty irritated me with the TV programme. She didn't really seem as if she wanted to do half the crafts she did so I never even finished watching the series. The book is beautiful, but as an actual useable craft book I didn't feel as it inspired me to do anything.

Brocklesby Country Fair 2012

I am unbelievably excited (and just a little bit nervous) as I've just had my table at the Brocklesby Country Fair confirmed!!  This is amazing for me as it has over 10000 visitors on one day (if the weather is nice) so for me to get a table there is just amazing.  You have to apply to have a stall, and not everyone gets in as it's very popular.  It's also 3 miles up the road, so not such an early morning ;o).

Whoop whoop...off to try and calm down a bit!

10 February 2012

More Adventures and a big WOW!

The first adventure of the day (after all the running round and it's not even 10 o'clock yet!) was a trip to the barbers.  My middle son decided he wanted to have a change of hair style, and he didn't just want it all grade fouring like my eldest. 

Hope your ready for the big WOW!  Isn't he handsome?!  The poor hairdresser was a bit speechless when he told her what he wanted but she did a fab job (and I got a tuft to go in his baby book ;o) ).

The second adventure of the day was at home ed group.  Now we do pick the activities with the children in mind, but us forever-young children had to have a go too ;o).  Mosaics were done...I just used the square tiles but wished I'd done a proper mosaic with the broken tiles once I'd finished.  I'm going to use this as a pot stand in the kitchen, and we shall be adding this activity to the Craft Group that I started. 

On the subject of the craft group, we met for the first time on Tuesday.  There were three of us.  We did lots of talking and laughing, reading of craft books and magazines, no actual crafts were completed but we have a list ready for the next one in March.  There are supposed to be 10 of us in March!  I'll keep my fingers crossed for this adventure :o).

06 February 2012

I'm still here!!

No need to send out a search party...life is just completely bonkers at the minute ;o).  I thought learning to drive would make my life easier and give me more time, but in reality it's opened up so many doors for me that I actually have no time to waste any more.  It's fab I tell you...just fab!

The adventures then.  The first two pictures are from our few days at Center Parcs.  We had a very full week, with ducks, moorhens, pheasants, squirrels, great tits and pidgeons visiting us at the door in a morning.  The squirrels used to listen for the door opening and then come and stand on it's back legs with its front feet up on the glass if there was no food.  They move too fast when you want a picture, hence the photo from a distance ;o).  We were back on the Friday ready for my first ever craft fair on the saturday. 

Here's a piccie of my stall.  I need to get some proper stands to hang things on now, as I've got at least 4 more fairs in the next few months.

And just because I'm British, here's the obligatory snow picture for you.  Not a patch on last year, but now I'm driving I don't think I'm that bothered to be honest ;o).

Hopefully it won't be as long before I'm sharing more adventures with you all.