25 April 2012


Today I am feeling rather overwhelmed by things - the business, housework, home ed stuff.  Tiredness and pmt are probably to blame, but hey ho.  Loads on my to-do list.  Plenty I haven't done at all - like make sure my littliest has his school uniform ready!  Bit late to worry about it now, but sometimes I feel like a rubbish Mum.  Organisation is the key I think...I'm not an organised person :o/.  Hadn't intended this to be a whinge or a self-pity post, but life is not always wonderful is it.  Thank you if you've managed to stay and listen :o)

What I actually wanted to show you was my wonderful new drop spindle and wool from the lovely Dawn over at Raising Seedlings.  It arrived last week, but with the big Craft Event I attended at the weekend I've not had chance to play with it yet.  Thank you so much for a very generous give-away prize xxx

18 April 2012


I thought I would treat myself so I contacted the lovely Pippa and requested an A6 notebook with a dandelion clock on the front.  Nothing more....just nice and simple.  Well she certainly managed my request.  Just look how gorgeous this is.  It's absolutely perfect for carrying in my bag..not heavy, but sturdy enough to withstand constant hands fumbling around in the bottom of said bag looking for things!  Thanks so much Pippa...perfect again :o)

PS..don't forget the give-away over on my shop blog

15 April 2012

Give-away time :o)

The give-away has been launched on my other blog...off you go for a chance to win some FABULOUS goodies.

12 April 2012


Thought I'd better pop in and say hello.  Easter holidays here so everything is just a bit mental (as it probably is for you lot too ;o) ).  I had a three day fair over the Easter weekend which was really good.  We've been to the woods and had a trip to the National Media Museum, but other than that we've just tried to chill and go with the flow.  If you follow my other blog you'll know that the business expansion plans are slightly mad at the minute too, which is why I've added the piccies of my new felt stock which arrived on Wednesday :o).  I'm hoping to get it on the website by the weekend (launching with a big give-away) but I do need to try and find the living room first as my stock seems to be spreading everywhere!  Hope your all enjoying some chill out time this Easter.

04 April 2012


Last night was the craft group - there were 4 of us doing mosaics.  I forgot to take the camera to get a piccie of us all, but we all had a good time, mosaics were made, tea was drunk, laughs and heartfelt conversations were had.  The evening went too quick.  Roll on next month when we shall be attempting needle felting.

01 April 2012

Beautiful Gaia

This picture was posted on facebook last week.  It is just the most beautiful picture of Gaia - I just had to share it with you all. 

(There was no picture/copyright info on fb so apologies if it shouldn't be shared)