29 June 2012


A once in a lifetime opportunity to see the Olympic Torch go right past the in-laws house.  A fabulous event that the kids will remember.  It's such a shame that not everyone feels that they could/should support things like this.  Anyway, we enjoyed it, we were there, we clapped and cheered as it went past...we saw the Olympic Torch :oD

26 June 2012

The end is in sight..

Having limited cash means things get done in stages in this house.  Half the kitchen was plastered last year, now is the turn for the rest of it.

This arch was hidden by cupboards and tiles (the house was messed about with before we got it), but now it will be replastered and painted, with a few tiles or a splashback behind the hob.  I can't wait!

The sink will be out tonight...hopefully I'll still have a dishwasher!  Plassterer today and tomorrow, so hopefully I'll have some sort of kitchen by the end of the week.  It's a good job I have a clever hubby.

This is what the middle of the kitchen looks like!  Not really a kitchen..more like a storeroom.

Fish and chips for tea today then :o)

15 June 2012


We have another teenager in the house!  13...it just seems so ridiculous to say that...and he's the middle child!  Anyway, cake was made and eaten, a big family gathering was had with chilli and jelly and strawberries and cream (not altogether I hasten to add).  It was a fabulous day enjoyed by all. 

08 June 2012



I'm very excited to be taking part in my first ever CRAFTfest.  175 stalls will be selling from their virtual stalls from tomorrow, 9th until 16th June.  It's should be great fun, and absolutely stuffed with very talented people selling their wares.  Why not pop along and have a browse and support this fabulous event.  My own stall has a small selection of items including pencil cases, cards, badges and craft supplies.

06 June 2012

Reins in!

Thank you all for your comments on my last post.  It's been a tough old week, torn by run-away dreams and miniscule finances ;o).  The solution to the problem of me taking over the house with my stuff - you know the only rooms that don't have Handmade Haven stuff in are the boys bedrooms (and that includes the bathroom!!) - is to convert the loft into my work room.  A less risky option until the business has a more stable cash flow...hmph.  How horrid to be sensible!  So, once the kitchen is finished then it's onto the loft...that is going to take alot of sorting I can tell you - there's still un-opened boxes from when we moved in 5 years ago.
Anyway, distracting me this week has been 'proper rain', sunshine, hot rods visiting a house in the village.  We grabbed the camera and went to have a nosey - I'm sure our youngest boy has petrol running in his veins just like his Dad.  I've also been working on a new line of Make Your Own, with a flower brooch being the first one. 

I've got two fairs at the end of the month so I've been working on stocking up the cards too.  We've been watching some of the jubilee celebrations and then attending a garden party.  Today I even managed to get in the garden.  Ooh, I have missed that.  We got someone in to cut the grass as I broke the mower but then the grass got so long because of all the rain, it just never dried out.  Anyway, I've spent all afternoon in the garden which was fab and just what I needed.  Awoke all those sleepy muscles that I'd forgotton I had ;o)

Thank you again for your support, it really does mean an awful lot.