21 December 2012

That time of year...

...when we celebrate the birth of our first child.  15 years old..wow!!  We celebrated as he wanted..with the extended family enjoying spaghetti and meatballs.  We are very lucky too, in that this boy is still happy with Lego for his main gift :)  I made a wintry birthday cake for a change...many of us nearly lost teeth to those silver balls!  Having a birthday 5 days before Christmas must be hard going but we try and keep everything separate.

This is also the time of year when today marks another year gone since my lovely Mum died.  This evening will be the 7th year without her here...although I still feel her with me, so she not really gone.  The thing I do miss though, is being able to just pick up the phone and talk to her, tell her those silly things/happenings, that don't really mean much, but are great to share.  I'm quite sure she's been checking  in on the progress of my Hut and would have loved to have done some crafting with me there. 

I'm actually feeling very positive today.  I've been to the Christingle service at school this morning, then dropped off an order.  This afternoon my sister and I are going to see the Book of Remembrance at the Crematorium.  Neither of us have seen it yet as we usually go to the cemetery where we scattered her ashes, so this year will be different.  Then this evening I've got the last order to finish and the marzipan to put on the cake (which I only managed to make yesterday!).

I would like to thank you all for sticking with me through this up and down, busy busy, year.  I shall try very hard to post more regularly in this lovely online world next year.

Solistice blessings for today, Yuletide greetings/Christmas wishes for the 25th and lots of love and happiness for the New Year.

03 December 2012


Wow, anyone who reads my work blog will no doubt know why its been 10 whole weeks since I posted on here!  To say I've been busy would be a slight understatement.  November was full of craft fairs (and trying to keep stocked up for said fairs), the rest of the time is just filled with orders and family...I won't include housework here as I've barely had time for any.  Business is so good that I'm having a workshop (known as 'The Hut on the Patch') built in the garden - the open day is 15th!!  I'm so very excited.  I get my own workspace and we get the house back ;o).  Right, only a quickie today, mainly to let you know I'm still here, but now I must get the littliest ready for school, then we've got home ed group and lots of orders to deliver.  I hope that everyone is busy doing lovely, lovely things.