20 January 2009

I love knitting

I sat down yesterday evening and decided I would knit myself some handwarmers with some of the wool that came in the bag of bits from Lucie. I managed to get one finished and another one started (I had to force myself to go to bed). I decided that my second pair would be thumbless, so following the pattern mentioned, I cast off the four stitches then carried on knitting. On the next row round I cast on 4 stitches using the backward cast on method. The wool is gorgeous and just makes you want to keep knitting. I finished those this afternoon and then started on DS2's pair (I got told off yesterday because I hadn't started his after I'd finished Ds1's warmers). So I got that finished and have now started on the second one. Must photograph the other handwarmers as well.

While sorting out all my stuff over the weekend I found this bag of rose petals that I'd been using for making cards. I'm going to use these smaller ones in some more bath melts with some rose essential oil.


  1. Those gloves are great, I'l have to have a go at some myself. I'd love some handwarmers, I've never tried them or mittens, so they'll go on my to do list.

    Neil loved the birthday card, thanks very much.


  2. I LOVE your knitting .. big love xx


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