06 January 2009

Tree of Happiness

Oh I'm so honoured...I got a Tree of Happiness award from the lovely GP mama and blogger Michelle http://diaryofacluelessmama.blogspot.com/. Your blog is lovely too - just wish there was more of it xxx

So now for the rules:
Firstly, link to the person who gave you the award.
Post the rules on your blog.
List six things that make you happy.
Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
Let each person know they've been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
Let the person who awarded you know when your entry is up.

Here are six things that make me happy!
1. My 3 boys - who are completely nuts, who drive me insane, but who keep me sane!
2. My darling hubby - my other half who makes me whole. Love you so much.
3. Crafting - knitting, sewing, drawing, card making, cooking, sticking, making.........
4. The word armadillo
5. Music and books
6. The Green Parent forum - I probably would have gone mad if it wasn't for the lovely mamas (and a few papas) on there.

I'm going to pass a tree of happiness award to
Amanda at http://soulemama.com/ such an inspiration
Moonmumma at http://bohemianmumma.wordpress.com/ inspirational again
D at http://abigsmile4.blogspot.com/ for being a lovely person
Gina at http://ourunschooledfamily.blogspot.com/ for being a lovely person, and for having a wonderful blog
Imagine Childhood for having a wonderful blog http://imaginechildhood.com/blog/.
http://kitschenpink.blogspot.com/ Wow, a wonderful blog.
Claire at http://www.mamauktalesfromwales.blogspot.com/ a wonderful insight into her life - very, very inspiring

1 comment:

  1. Just popped over to say thanks for the award. I completely forgot about it so I'm frantically trying to do a blog post and pass it on now!
    Loving your blog btw. Making stuff is so adictive isn't it :)
    Love & Light,


Sending a smile to you all. Thank you for leaving a comment.