16 January 2009

What a day

A lovely lady from the GP Forum was selling a load of material so I bought some for my stash. It arrived today in the post - how lovely it all is. It includes some blue velour, some from Laura Ashley and some from John Lennon. She also had 'free for postage', a bag of wool bits which I grabbed with both hands ;-). How gorgeous, thanks very much for the bargains - just need to find somewhere to house it all.
My brother and sister also came round for tea so we could sort out my Mum's craft bits. I'll go into it more tomorrow as I feel drained, but just to say that we didn't get it all done (in 4 hours)!
I will just add that my sister wants me to knit her some handwarmers, so that has made me feel really good.

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh, lovely fabric and great wool...... i'm jealous, I want wool! lol.


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