04 February 2009

Still here!

I know it's not like me to miss a day, never mind two, so I thought I'd just come on and update you on what's been going on here. Since the kids have been home educated we haven't been getting the official school photo for the family so there have been a few complaints ;-). One of my goals for January was to sort out photo's for each of the last three years where the boys are all together. I found 3 I liked, uploaded them to an online developer and they arrived 2 days later - yipee. I've now sorted them out and posted them off to the various family members. Goal one complete.

Goal two for January was to finally bring myself to sort out a plaque to go in the Garden of Rememberance where we scattered my Mum's ashes. I've never wanted to do it before, I always felt that once that was done it made it real - sounds completely daft, I know, but that was how it felt. As my first new years resolution was to look forward instead of backward with regards the death of my Mum it felt like the right time to do it - so I ordered it yesterday. It will take 3 weeks to be made, then we are having it sent straight to my Nan's house (she lives in the same village where Mum is scattered) where the parish clerk will pick it up and then get it fitted by the groundsman. Mum's birthday would have been on 6th March so I'm hoping that it will be done by then. Goal two almost complete.

I've started another pair of handwarmers for a friend of Ds1's. I've got one done and I'm half way up the second one (piccies tomorrow). I think I know what I'm making for the GP forum spring season table swap, so I may start that once I've finished this pair of handwarmers.

I have subscribed to Simply Knitting today as I got an offer through the post where you get 3 issues for £1 - fantastic. I can cancel the membership after that.

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