17 February 2009


Right, this week I've been tagged twice, by Joxy and Claire for 2 different things. Firstly, the sixth picture from the sixth folder. This picture was taken by me - we thought we were going mad because we could hear bag pipes playing. When we looked out the window this is what we could see...

What a fantastic birthday present for someone (and for the rest of us who were listening).


My seconding tagging is from Claire - I have to list 8 random facts about myself.

  1. I have a tattoo of a cat on my right arm
  2. I am a Leo
  3. I am the eldest child
  4. I wish I could be the same person I was before my Mum died....but I can't
  5. I love trains
  6. I have a fear of falling
  7. I love being at home
  8. I love snowdrops

Now, I'm supposed to tag 8 people again but I think I will end up duplicating those who have been tagged already as I've read a few of these on the blogs I read, so I'm going to be a rebel and not tag ;-). Thanks Claire, that was difficult but good fun.

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