25 March 2009

Catch up

Blimey, it feels like an age since I was actually in the mood to do some crafting. Situation is not resolved with my Dad - he doesn't want to talk to my sister or I as he feels we are ignoring him, not helping him, not ringing him when he wants us to ( we ring when we can, do what we can but he won't ever stay anywhere more than 5 mins, won't go to the doctors, etc). He is still speaking to my brother so there is a small connection.
But anyway... I have just about finished the penguins - I just need to add the eyes. I can't believe how long they have taken me - definitely not been a good crafting week. I got my copy of Simply knitting the other day and I treat myself to Country Homes and Interiors today. This is the one I meant to get last month but ended up with Country Living. I also found a pressie for a lovely friend which shall be posted tomorrow - I do hope she hasn't already got it.

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