21 May 2009

Where does the time go?

I can't believe it's been 4 days since I last updated here!!! I've had a very busy week so far - started my group bereavement counselling on Monday evening, been out walking everyday, been very busy at home, been crafting, wooooohooo. It's been a good week.
I just had to show you these tomatoes that came in our weekly organic veg box...they are just gorgeous. Made them into a mozzerella and tomato salad.

I've got the scarecrow bag all finished with the liner and everything. I've also made the liner for the cottage bag but the lady asked if I could add a cockeral as well, so I'm just waiting for a gorgeous piece of fabric to arrive so I can finish that completely.

These arrived in the post yesterday morning from the very talented Claire - thank you so much (I'll be emailing you later my lovely).

Right, must dash as I'm supposed to be somewhere in 5 mins and I still haven't sorted out my hair, but I'll be back later with some other stuff.

1 comment:

  1. I already love the bag, but your tomato salad looks fab. i am growing some heirloom tomatoes, black, red, white and yellow (the green didn't germinate) just so i can take a picture like that :)


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