16 July 2009

New baby and 'stuff'

Here's the new baby card I made for the gorgeous Claire and her family. Congratulations to you all xxx.
I had the last of my bereavement counselling sessions on Monday. It feels as if I've just got used to going and now it's ending. Anyway, it has been hard - coping with the emotions I hadn't realised I'd hidden away - but I also feel slightly stronger as well. I managed to play one of the songs we had played at Mum's funeral the other day as well, so I think that is very telling. I'm sure I will still find there are some difficult times but hopefully I'll manage them better.
My sister has given me one of Mum's skirts that she wants me to make a couple of things with. We both ended up with a couple of items of clothing but this skirt holds certain memories for her so I feel honoured that she has asked me to do this.
I also have an order for another bag.


  1. Hi Shell, Glad things are getting better. Of course you'll have some bad days, my brother passed away 29 years ago and my Mum still has down days. It's not just anniversaries or birthdays but just something little or a dream she's had. I think the main thing to remember is that there is nothing wrong with having off days, we are not machines and we always miss the loved ones that aren't with us anymore and somedays the loss hits us more than others.

    Big hugs for your down days.


  2. I'm glad the counselling has helped. Life will go on, but in a different way, and we carry our loved ones with us. What a nice thing for you and your sister to do for each other.
    I missed the news about Claire - must check her blog. xx

  3. I'm glad the counselling has helped a bit. I think you're brave to have gone to bereavement counselling, I imagine it was very hard sometimes and I think it takes a lot of courage to face things that are very upsetting like that.

    I firmly believe that we never totally 'lose' the people we love the most. I find as I get older, that I am closer to my Nanna in the way I am and the things that mean a lot to me. She lived a long way away and I didn't get to see her very often, but I feel that she is a huge part of who I am, the older I get and that's a huge comfort.

    Your card is lovely. I have kept all my baby cards, they are very precious.


Sending a smile to you all. Thank you for leaving a comment.