09 August 2009

Fabric, bags 'n pads

Well here's the stash of fabric and bits that hubby found in the loft. Included are poppers, binding, stuffing, a cross-stitch that I started years ago and got bored with, a bag full of cotton strips that were leftover from making Aaron a mummy costume with for halloween when he was 7, and a whole load of fabric. All now sorted and amalgamated into the rest of my stuff (which seems to be taking over the living room, bedroom and the kitchen!).

Anyway...onto the reason for my ever-growing stash of crafty items. I'm sure the lovely mama who acquired this order for me won't mind me showing you them before they are despatched. I loved the flower when I did it, and then when I made the owl I loved that even more! They will be sent off tomorrow.

Lastly, the first two of the san pro pockets made for the GP orders. I've made some more templates as well, as I've never made postpartum ones before. Only 23 more to go!
Right, off to make a birthday card now for a birthday tomorrow.


Sending a smile to you all. Thank you for leaving a comment.