30 October 2009

From this.......

.....to this!

The end of my bed. My fabric/wool stash has been moved so my lovely giraffe can now sit here.

In front of my wardrobe. These craft supplies have also been moved so I can now open the door!

Down my side of the bed. The piles of boxes have been replaced with shelves from Ikea so now all the craft supplies are in one place. It's not ideal having all this in my bedroom but there is just nowhere else to put it and I can't have my bedroom looking like it was anymore. My fabric is now in nice neat piles, the wool is in 5!! boxes, ribbons, etc are in boxes, Christmas crafts/materials are kept together in boxes - all-in-all it is much better.
So this is how I've been keeping myself busy the last few days.


Finding some normality in the merry-go-round days at the minute. A few craft supplies that came with the Christmas pressie order (Myriad hve 10% off until tomorrow) - felt, wooden dolls, and 2 craft kits.

27 October 2009


Here is the promised picture of the birthday cake, from what seems like an age ago. Can it really only be 5 days!! Life since JJ's birthday has been a whirlwind of sadness, questions, new shelves for craft bits and books, helping my sister to move, of colds, VW meetings to mourn, of a Greenday concert, chasing up lost orders, Christmas ordering.....So much is happening and today I just feel drained.
Sarah - I WILL get your order done this week. Pippa - your order is in the post. Apologies to both of you.

22 October 2009


For our VDubb friend Webbo, who was killed this morning on his way home from work. No more words.

Play food done

I managed to finished the play food yesterday evening. Off to put it in the shop now.

We also have a birthday in the house today :-). I'm making his cake now, so hopefully there'll be a piccie later of a strawberry affair.

Grape Cordial

Don't know whether this is going to taste right or even whether I made it right, but if you don't give it a go you'll never know will you!?

My Dad gave me all the grapes from his vines (he likes the vines not the grapes!) to see whether I could do anything with them. I'm not good at the wine thing so I thought I'd do cordial. I put all the grapes in my tub then bashed them with a rolling pin to release the juice. Then I strained them for a few hours. I measured the juice then added suger at a rate of 700g per litre of juice, added both to a pan, brought slowly to the boil then bottled in sterlised jars. I'll let you know what it tastes like, although I have to say the colour isn't particularly appealling.

19 October 2009

Just a quick update...

...to let you know I've not disappeared of the face of the planet ;-).

Busy doing typing for my Dad, preparing for the HE inspectors coming tomorrow, sewing felt food, my complementary medicine course (which I'm really enjoying), cleaning, helping my sister to pack as she's moving, planning a visit to Ikea (excited)...you know, the usual stuff.

Hopefully have a proper post soon.

16 October 2009


The Mac bags have gone (in the post I mean). It is such a relief to have them finished. In my haste to get them posted I forgot to take a piccie of the parcel, but hey, they are done. I just hope that when they arrive at the other end they will be ok.

15 October 2009

Home Education consultation.

Please take a few minutes to fill in this online consultation regarding the proposed Ed Balls plans for HE. Thanks.


14 October 2009

Half done

I seem to be half way through many things, but not actually finishing any!

Here's one of the Mac Notebook bags. They have been an absolute pain in the bum, took me right out of my comfort zone, but after 2 'prototypes' we are nearly there - thank goodness. I have to admit that they drove me to tears at one point because they just wouldn't go as I wanted them too. Anyway, we are nearly there, and they'll be posted by the end of the week.

I've also got felt food on the go too, I need to make a birthday card for JJ's birthday next week, the Christmas cake, puddings and mincemeat need making, we got a carry bag full of apples from my Nan's on Sunday and they are still sat waiting to be sorted, the rosehips have gone rather wrinkly sat waiting for me on the side................
.............on a rather better note, here's some lovely debbie bliss merino wool I got from a lovely mama on the GP forum - wanna know how much it cost me??? 10 greenies! or to be more precise, a set of san pro pockets/inners that I made. Isn't LETS just fantastic.

11 October 2009


Well France was very wet, but very warm and ended with a major electrical storm, which in a tin campervan and awning sounds rather loud (to say the least). All-in-all it was a very good few days in which I did manage a little bit of sewing.

I got this book with my nectar points that I'd saved up. I've had a quick flick through and it looks really good.

It was my Neice and Nephew's Christening today - these are the cards I made for them. I was very honoured as my Neice is 12 years old and she chose her own godparents, so today has been very special.
And last, but by no means least, it was darling hubbies birthday yesterday. He loves his VWs, so this was the card I made for him.
It's been a rather hectic few weeks, and the next week is just as busy as I've a few orders to complete.

People keep giving me their rubbish!

I don't actually think it's rubbish, I think it's really useful :-).

Bags of wool, fabric, wadding, stuffing, clothes to use as fabric, cross-stitch, threads, needles - bargains and very much appreciated (although the house seems to be groaning under the weight!!!)

01 October 2009

Bags and supplies

This is the dinky bag I made to go with my niece's felt food (I shall endeavour to get some in the shop before the end of the month).

My sister was having a sort out of her rubber stamps so I came home with these for the bargain price of £5.00.

Supplies for recent orders (except the ribbon which just looked gorgeous and cost less than £2.50 for over 15m of ribbon).

I must admit to feeling quite overwhelmed on Tuesday when I got asked to make 7 Mac Notebook bags for a 'proper' company. Ok now though, and thank you very much Claire for having the faith in me xxx