19 October 2009

Just a quick update...

...to let you know I've not disappeared of the face of the planet ;-).

Busy doing typing for my Dad, preparing for the HE inspectors coming tomorrow, sewing felt food, my complementary medicine course (which I'm really enjoying), cleaning, helping my sister to pack as she's moving, planning a visit to Ikea (excited)...you know, the usual stuff.

Hopefully have a proper post soon.


  1. Good luck with the LEA inspection! Do you have Ken Frape too? He seems to be the Lincolnshire inspector and he always seems to be very pro-home ed!!

  2. We have my old Art teacher Phil Huckin and Richard East. They are fab inspectors (north east Lincs), I don't panic at all when they are coming as they are very helpful, very supportive and Phil can talk as much as Aaron so I don't have to say alot :-)


Sending a smile to you all. Thank you for leaving a comment.