07 November 2009

Has it really been a year?!

Wow, a year! The time has gone so quickly, yet at other times it seems like I've always been doing this. It's been lovely to record the things I make, and since discovering blogland, it's been more wonderful to see the other blogs that are out there, to share these experiences that we all have, to show everyone the things we make.
It's also been a huge help to me to off-load some of my feelings regarding the loss of my Mum. I can't believe that will be 4 years in December. She was the person who taught me my crafting skills, who was always there to show me, who always had the answer to any problems. She is sorely missed and will be always.
To celebrate this past year and to say thank you to all those who have left comments regarding the things I make, and words of wisdom, of support and of love regarding everything else I shall have a give-away. The winner shall receive something from my shop or I can make a bag for you - the choice shall be yours. Leave a comment and I'll draw a name out on Friday 13th November - a lucky day for someone :-).


  1. Congratulations for a year of blogging, I'm glad you are anjoying it. Best wishes Clair x

  2. Wow, happy blog birthday. Your blog and your crafts are an inspiration to me. Keep up the excellent work, I'm sure your mom would be proud to see your continued crafting to a high standard.
    Best wishes, Dawn x

  3. Congratulations on your first year of blogging. It's funny to see how many of us started around the same time. Your blog is great and your crafting is beautiful.

    Take care


  4. Just to say that I'm very grateful for finding your lovely blog, it's really inspirational and I love seeing the lovely things you make. Here's to a few more years!! Don't put my name in the draw, I was very lucky and won that gorgeous bag a few months ago in your other draw and am looking forward to seeing somebody else win one of your lovely makes! Keep on blogging!!

  5. I love your blog - you're so clever and productive. I hope to be reading it for many more years!

  6. Happy Anniversary honey! Your Mammy would be amazingly proud and chuffed that you've become so crafty and have a business out of it. Clever bunny! The Mac bags went down a storm ;)


  7. Wow- a year! Thanks for giving us 12 moonths of inspiration. And well done on your shop - the Camper van tins are in daily use - DS1 has ne away at Uni, and Ds2 keeps his colouring pencils in the other. Lots of love to you and you are certainly keeping your Mum's memory alive by carrying on with the wonderful talent she inspired in you. xxx

  8. Oh Happy Year of Blogging and what a wonderful blog it is too.
    Here's to You.

  9. happy 1st year of blogging! glad i found you.. some beautiful crafting here :)

  10. Thank you for sharing your creations with us all, they really are beautiful, you should be very proud, and a wonderful legacy to your mother.



Sending a smile to you all. Thank you for leaving a comment.