15 November 2009

Keeping busy

Well, Friday turned into one of those days after I posted on here. My Nan rang to say my Grandad had been rushed to hospital as he had had a massive stroke. He already suffers terribly with alzheimers and is in a care home...anyway, we are now playing the waiting came, so I am keeping busy.

Above is the sewing I managed to do Friday afternoon - 3 cloaks and 1 bag inner. I'll show you the finished articles properly once I had added the elastic and finishing touches.

A flower can for an order.

JJ didn't have a tin for his pencils so I asked him yesterday what colours he would like and what he wanted on it. No stereotypes in this house :-).

My sister wanted two pen/pencil pots for her house warming gift, so I did those last night.

I have also been looking at order books and things for logging commission orders that I get. I couldn't find anything that was exactly as I wanted it so I thought I would design my own.
Right, back to waiting, and keeping busy.


  1. Shell, sorry to hear about your grandad. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers today. We are in a similar boat at the moment waiting for news on my grandmas agressive ovarian cancer so I know a little bit how you feel - the waiting is the worst part, hope they are able to make him comfortable and painfree. Best wishes Clair xx

  2. I'm so sorry Shell. I hope you hear some positive news about your Grandad soon. Thinking of you all.

  3. Sorry to hear about your Grandad, hope the news is more positive soon.
    Take care x

  4. Thinking about yu and your family Shell. My mother has Alzheimer's so I know how difficult it is. Hugs xxx

  5. Thinking of you all Shell. Hope you get some positive news soon. xx

  6. I'm sorry to hear of the news about your grandad. I hope you find out soon about how he is.

  7. I ran across your site and saw your cans for pencils and pens and wanted to tell you about mine which are also really fun! You can email me (or comment and I will recieve it via email), if you'd like more directions, but I bet you can figure it out. Three cans with ribbing, identical. Tomato Paste works really well, canned veg. with rounded bottoms (No steel seams sit best). Tie off two with one big loose-ish loop of PRETTY yarn, toward the top rib and twist to tighten leaving a long tying off tail. When sufficiently tight, nest in the third can, holding working end of yarn in right hand and three cans with your fingers inside and begin a God's eye or cloverlife type weave. The yarn will nest in the ribs of the can perfectly and when you reach the bottom, bring the yarn up one side and tie off tightly to that original tail. Cut and take the ends and stuff them down the center hole and dribble some white glue to hold in place. I Mod Podge over the woven yarn just to really secure it better, but when I did it with plain yarn, I also tissue paper decoupaged over. The three cans are GREAT, they are sturdy and will hold scissors and rulers (veg cans) without tipping. It is nice to have the three because you can separate your tools better. The small one is really nice for home use for tweezers/nail files etc. Enjoy!


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