03 January 2010

Happy New Year - 2010

Happy New Year everyone. Lets hope that this year brings more joy and happiness - I have a good feeling, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed and being positive. The above picture is all the baubles from the tree. I do love vintage glass baubles - I have managed to find quite a few on car boot sales and in charity shops, plus we have a few new ones too. They are all now packed away safely into boxes and are residing back in the loft. Time for other things.

I have been thinking about resolutions, or hopes, as we have decided to call them on the GP Forum, for this year. Last year (in fact the last 4 years) brought alot of sadness, through death and illnesses in the family and with friends. But in a funny sort of way, it also brought about alot of good - we have met family we haven't seen since I married 12 years ago, and we have resolved to stay in touch. We have resolved to 'do' more as a family with hubby's VW club and make more of an effort with friends. We have also resolved to end relationships with the people who cause us anger and sadness. I wasn't going to do resolutions but those last ones are all resolutions :-). Anyway, my hopes for the coming year are:-

* to do more as a family.
* to stay as calm as possible while the long awaited extension is built.
* to be calmer generally - I don't want to shout as much as I do any more.
* to continue to look at alternative/complementery medicines.
* to continue with handmadehaven.co.uk and hope that it remains a joy.
* to continue with my crafting.

And on that final note, here's a new bag for the shop.


  1. Happy new year shell (and family), and lots of good wishes that this year brings happiness and joy xx

    Ps love the bag :-D

  2. Happy New Year to you and your family.

  3. Lots of New Year Blessings to you and yours Shell. All the best with your hopes and goals for the year. xx


Sending a smile to you all. Thank you for leaving a comment.