17 February 2010


I still haven't had chance to do my soap yet, but I did find a pair of lovely pillow cases in the charity shop yesterday for 10p each. Bargain fabric.

My sister came for the day on Sunday and asked me to make her these - transportable naughty steps! Not quite sure whether I agree with them but anyway.

And the fabric I bought off ebay finally arrived yesterday. This is for a bag order and the little girl in question likes ballet/dancing, so hopefully this will be ok. I set to last night on the bag and nearly got it finished - so that's where I'm going right now ;-).


  1. Lovely pillow fabric! and I think the little girl will love the ballerina fabric.
    Looking forward to seeing your soaps when you get the time.

  2. What lovely fabric!! Had to smile at the portable naughty steps, you could market them depending on HOW naughty the child was - Tiny bit naughty has pretty fabric and padding and at the end of the scale, VERY naughty would have no padding and some extra strong velcro!! hahahahahahahaha, oh dear, I'll get kicked off certain forums with ideas like that won't I!!


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