09 March 2010

My Nan

Sunday we went to visit my wonderful Nan (my Mum's Mum) where she cooked us lunch, we dug up a tonne of strawberry plants and the raspberry canes that she doesn't want and came home with 2 large bag fulls of crafty things that she had sorted out for me. My Nan is just an amazing lady - at 83 she still does loads of stuff; cooks fantastic 'proper' food; embroiders the most amazing cushions/pictures/boxes plus loads of other pieces; is a do-er; stayed married to a man who was a bully for 60 years, but still misses him now he's gone. She's a true inspiration to me. Right - some of the stuff she gave me:-

Fabric (above 2 pictures).

Old cards cut up to re-use (glad I'm not the only one who does this).

Embroidery silks from kits she has previously finished.

Old embroidery silks - just gorgeous.

Handmade lace by a Great Aunt, amongst newer lace.

Modern non-cotton lace.

One of her WIP that she didn't want to finish - I'll just add it to my list ;-).


  1. Your Nan sounds lovely, and what a lot of lovely things she has gifted you with.

  2. What a lovely load of crafting supplies from your Nan! It's really lovely, I think, to have another member of family who enjoys crafts as much as you do. My Auntie lives in Kent, but when we meet up, it's wonderful to natter about what we've been making over the months.

  3. Almost peed a little with excitement at your stash! Yay for Nan! xxx


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