30 April 2010

Kick up the backside

These last few weeks/months have been difficult while the builders have been in. Time has been spent away from the stuff I like doing or sat at a computer wallowing! It's been sending my hormones haywire (and bringing with it a shouty mummy!) so I've been trying to give myself a preverbial kick up the backside. I know I'm not alone in this things - many of the blogs I read are saying the same thing.
Right, lets get down to business ;-). The above is a piccie of 2 sheets I got in the charity shop for £1.50 each - ones a double and ones a single. Absolute bargains.

With the aforementioned fabric and some canvas that I dyed I sat and made this bag last night. I've been meaning to make myself a new bag for ages, one which goes over my shoulder, and this is perfect. It only took a couple of hours too.

This was made by the lovely Dawn over at Raising Seedlings.

I've made some dandelion cordial over the last 2 days as well, inspired again by Dawn. Tastes lovely - a bit honey-y. Quite sweet, so next time I'll add an extra lemon. I've got ginger cordial infusing and plans for a nettle cordial?! hopefully. I've also been fishing round in my freezer and found some elderberries and blackberries from last year - I'll add this with some rhubarb from the garden and some apples and make some mixed fruit cordial too.
Oooh, and the soap will be ready to try this weekend so I'll let you know how that is. I've still got to do a tutorial for you all, so now my butt is in gear and the end of the building/decorating is in sight, you shouldn't have to wait too long.

20 April 2010

Sewing again (and a bit of crochet)

Another headband.

Three brooches to go into the shop.

13 April 2010

Shower Mat

Made with an old towel and some of my fabric stash - smaller than a bath mat but perfect for stepping out of a new shower :-).

12 April 2010

Paperwork and answers

I've finally got round to typing up my sanitary pocket instructions and thank you slips. Off to pop them in the shop once I've finished here.

Soap queries:

  1. I've done a little bit of research regarding the lavender turning brown but I haven't found any answers yet.
  2. I shouldn't sell the soaps unless they have been tested first.
  3. I shall certainly try and get a tutorial on before the end of the month - it may not be the same recipe but I can list that if you like. I may try an olive oil one next, but the principles are the same.

Hope these help.

10 April 2010

Erm (can't think of a title!)

Found the acorn baby that the cat had run off with. Having also bought this kit from Myriad, I think the daffodil bud baby one was certainly better value for money (£4.95 each). Lovely all the same though.

Visiting a friend yesterday, she gave me this beautiful body scrub. It smells absolutely divine - lime, ylang ylang and something I can't remember essential oils with sweet almond, wheatgerm, evening primrose and vitamin E oils - guess where I'm off when I've finished here ;-).

And finally, 2 crocheted hair bands to keep my dreads in some sort of check!

Thank you all so much for the lovely comments regarding the soap. When I come back later this evening (hopefully) I'll try and answer all the questions.

07 April 2010


I've been wanting dreads for a while now - and I've finally got them. Darling Hubby sectioned it all, then we've dreaded them all between us. The ones that were done at the weekend don't stick up as much as the ones he's done tonight.

05 April 2010

Ta dah

6 bars of cocoa butter, coconut oil and lavender soap. They look gorgeous except the dried lavender went brown once it was put in the soap - but hey, for my first attempt I'm just glad they set :-).

One baby snuggly order.

This is what Nathan made for his girlfriend with those Hama beads. Absolute bugger to make them all stick together while ironing but we managed it.

03 April 2010

Fingers crossed!

You'll have to excuse the rubbish focusing on the photos but I was very excited. Hubby took JJ out for a few hours so I decided it was probably now or never for soap making. The above picture is once the water/caustic soda mix has been added to the fats mix - it looks just like condensed milk mmmmmm.

Once trace was reached I added lavender essential oil and a spoonful of dried lavender, then poured it into the tub. I got the recipe from this book

Aaron decided he wanted to make a creature - here's the result. I love it!

Right, fingers crossed that I will be showing you a set soap tomorrow ;-). Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend.

01 April 2010

Sod the housework and the painting!

That's what I told myself this morning! I didn't want these orders on my list any longer so I set to and started on them. See the working conditions I have to put up with ;-) - at least the sun is shining.

One hammock to go in a VW campervan. Measures 40inches across and 70inches long. It is canvas underneath with yellow gingham on the top. There is a 3inch hem, which slides a pole in, on both long lengths which then fit in the camper so the kids can sleep on it. Great fun.

Also made a start on the san pro pockets. Got those finished except for the press studs (which I've ordered as I ran out), so I can make a start on the inners tomorrow.
I also finished the other Myriad kit last night but the cat seems to have run off with it and now I can't find it, grrrr.