01 April 2010

Sod the housework and the painting!

That's what I told myself this morning! I didn't want these orders on my list any longer so I set to and started on them. See the working conditions I have to put up with ;-) - at least the sun is shining.

One hammock to go in a VW campervan. Measures 40inches across and 70inches long. It is canvas underneath with yellow gingham on the top. There is a 3inch hem, which slides a pole in, on both long lengths which then fit in the camper so the kids can sleep on it. Great fun.

Also made a start on the san pro pockets. Got those finished except for the press studs (which I've ordered as I ran out), so I can make a start on the inners tomorrow.
I also finished the other Myriad kit last night but the cat seems to have run off with it and now I can't find it, grrrr.


  1. Agree about the housework, crafting is more fun and better for the soul. Great to see you making things again.
    Happy Easter

  2. Dust can wait, it will only be there again tomorrow :-) Have fun with your crafty antics - I too don't have a craft area in my house and look on other peoples blogs and become very jealous at their lovely craft areas.

  3. i love the way your wee cat is helping you out in your crafting space :)


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