21 June 2010

The good and the bad, part 2

Lets get the bad over with shall we. My second batch of wild rose petal jam! I had to strain the petals out as they wouldn't dissolve again and then, once it had set it crystallised again. I'm going to have to find a different recipe as this one clearly doesn't work.

A bottle of my rhubarb, elderberry and blackcurrant cordial exploded in my food cupboard!!! Not only did I lose the cordial and the jar, but also some food as well.
It's been an odd week altogether really - my brother and his girlfriend, and my brother-in-law and his wife are separating (none of us are really surprised by either); my Nan had to go for a mammogram as there were concerns, but everything is ok thank goodness; and then there was another incident with my Dad (I wish he would go to bereavement counselling but you can't force someone to go can you!) which has resulted in him and my brother not talking to each other! It's exhausting!! There was some good last week though:-

My finished season swap for the Green Parent Forum. An embroidered sunflower and I found a sunflower poem to go with it.

My brother was taking this to the tip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It used to be my Mum's (not sure where she got it from) so I'm sooooo pleased that we rescued it. It runs quite smoothly when you turn the handle but I'm going to have it serviced when I have a bit of spare cash. I did a bit of research on the internet as it still has it's number on it - it was made in 1893.

The other good bit of last week was the Green Day concert at Wembley on Saturday night. It was absolutely amazing. We have seen them before, but to see them at Wembley was something else. They were on stage for nearly 3 hours!! Hubby and I stayed in a hotel then went into the centre of London on the Sunday morning. I'd never been to Trafalgar Square before, so we went there, and then had a look round the National Gallery. Also went to Covent Garden and Leicester Square.
A very exhausting week, full of good and bad. Hopefully things will be better this week. The sun is shining for the solstice, let's hope it lasts for a while longer. Solstice Blessings to everyone.


  1. Glad Nan is ok honey. Have a lovely Solstice and use the sunshine to recharge your batteries! xxx

  2. Wow, you've had a week of it. So pleased your Nan is okay. What a lovely rescue of the sewing machine x

    Sorry about your cordial, it must have started fermenting. I remember the clean up of our champagne explosions last year - messy! We keep it somewhere easy to clean up now although fingers crossed for no big bangs.

    Glad you had a great time at Green Day, I have a friend who went and had a fantastic night too. Always loved when they were on good form and played all night xx

  3. Wow what a week, I hope this week is better for you and your family.

  4. I'm so glad that your nan is in the clear, that must be a huge relief!! Shame about your other family members, it's very stresful when all those things are going on in a family, I hope everything settles down soon.

    Can't believe your brother was sending that gorgeous sewing machine to the tip!! I have an old Singer sewing machine that I bought from a junk shop for £5 when I was in my early teens and polished up. It has a number on it, so I must investigate to find out how old it is. I never use it now, but will never part with it as it's just so beautifully made and I used to make all kinds of dolly blankets with it when I was young.

    Your seasons swap is beautiful.

  5. Solstice Blessings to you all.

    Thank you for the sunflower, it's beautiful and takes pride of place on our seasonal sideboard.

    Glad your Nan is ok.



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