30 July 2010

Free (pt 2)

Claire gave me the idea of collecting the wheat/barley from the harvested fields - so here's the chickens enjoying a free snack. While we're on the subject of the chickens I thought I'd show you where they lay..........

.....nothing in here!

Shall I show you where they actually lay (and I think I'd be more inclined to lay here too)......

......take a peek. It's an absolute bugger to reach under here but the smell from the honeysuckle makes up for it ;o).

Free - from my Dad's garden yesterday. I had run out, and my crop this year is rubbish, so this is perfect.

Then on the way home, while we were looking at the fishes and dragonflies in a large ditch we spotted these.....

.....cherries!! The trees have been covered this year but I've never had a suitable recepticle to carry them home in before. I had to wrap the lavender in my cardigan and then used my bag to bring these home. They taste delicious - not sour at all.
Thank you for all the lovely comments over the last few posts - it's lovely to get some feedback. Scented Sweetpeas - if only I'd read your comment a few hours earlier - I might have had those peaceful feelings all day long then ;o).


  1. lol at the chickens, but to get that heady scent when collecting must make up for it.

    Love the lavender bunches - just cutting some of ours to collect the flower heads and encourage a 2nd flush of growth.

    Those cherries look delicious, it's amazing what free fruits you can find out there, many people just don't pick them these days, so us frugal folk have rich pickings xxx

  2. Bottoms sorry the message didn't get to you soon enough, try it next time as it does seem to work quite well :-) Oohh those cheeky chickens trying to keep their eggs :-) wow that lavendar looks fab, ours has gone well over flowering now but may cut it to see if we get more. Free cherries, you can't beat that :-)

  3. I certainly love a free snack :) Your hens are pretty colour. We have had some odd laying places too, some ridiculously obvious. Another that we didn't find for months and there was about fifity eggs there but we didn't dare eat any! My friend's chhok took it's self off to a tight nook for a month or so, no one could find it and out it came one day with a gaggle of 13 chicks! Sad thing is they were all cocks :lol

    You have to laugh at/with hens otherwise you might weep sometimes :lol

    Going to try out your sanspro pads, read the instructions fo rthem last night and lay in bed this morning puzzling over them in my mind and I think I have it now. I'll let you know hoe they turn out!


  4. I love your chickens!! I want chickens!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (can you hear me, Mr Alison Homes mangaging director??)

    Those cherries are fantastic! I'd love to grow cherries. When we were in Kent, I collected all the stones that came from the Kent cherries that we ate, but apparently they will only grow into wild cherries. I need to do some grafting to get a decent Kent cherry tree. Something to put on my "want to learn to do" list.

  5. Haha - we have a couple of non-conformist hens too!
    Nice to read about your freebies - i have been doing some scouting around on our walks here for likely foraging too. xx


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