23 August 2010


Firstly, a gorgeous birthday gift from the lovely Claire that I forgot to show you last week (it went straight into my book!). Thanks my lovely x.

Back to the distractions. My eldest broke his nose nearly two weeks ago so now I'm going to spend the afternoon crafting (she says with as much enthusiasm as possible) to try and distract myself while he spends the afternoon in the hospital having it straightened! I feel worse as I usually go with the kids if anything like this happens but hubby is off this week so we decided he would go (I can't drive) and I would stay home with the other two. I would definitely rather be there so I knew what was happening but I'll have pace the floor, I mean distract myself instead. I've got to finish the above bowl, then make a flower to go on this bag too (I got slightly carried away with the crocheting last week).

I drew this yesterday so I'm going to make a card with it. Hopefully, with the other two boys and making the tea I should be distracted for a couple of hours. I'll have to find something else for the rest of the time :o(.


  1. Oh, ouch for your son! Hope it isn't too painful for him, or for you pacing and waiting :-)

    love your crochet bag xx

  2. Oh, the broken nose sounds very painful!! Hope he is ok and not getting any pain with it now. Must be hard being at home and waiting when you'd rather be there at his side. :(


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