24 September 2010


I will get my rosehip syrup made this year, I will! It's been on my list of things-to-do for 2 years now - I'm very determined this year. JJ and I collected a good kilo of rosehips on Wednesday. I've put half in the freezer as we haven't had a frost yet and my plan for today is to make the syrup. The other half are drying in the oven (and taking a very long time I might add). I also dried some chillies while I was at it - these are ready and packed in a jar.

I'm still struggling to find some sort of time-management/get-up-and-go/whatever you want to call this lack of enthusiasm for crafting/anything. I'm over half-way through the first lot of christmas makes I was doing (only another 6 things on the list I wanted to make for the shop) but I haven't the inclination to finish them at all :o(. Don't know why. Hopefully find some umph today :o/.


  1. Lovely, must get around to picking our rosehips - might leave them anothewr week though to ripen some more and then I'll be doing some syrup too.

    Hope your get-up-and-go returns soon, maybe it's the change in the seasons affecting you. Look forward to seeing your Christmas crafts too xx

  2. busy days mama
    always love and care to you xx


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