01 September 2010

Trying to find comfort

My big soft bear (otherwise known as Casper) was hit by a car yesterday - he was only a year old! He was supposed to be my hubby's cat but he never left me alone :o). He would jump up when I wasn't expecting him, he would cry outside our bedroom window at night (we live in a bungalow) until we let him in then he would curl up right next to me on the bed until I got up in the morning. He would try and pinch my breakfast, or sit there, rather impatiently waiting until I had finished so he could have the last drip of milk. He was so laid back he was almost horizontal! He was my big soft bear.

I've been trying to keep busy today - we had a little funeral this morning. This afternoon I made victoria plum jam, then shepherd's pie for tea, lemon and poppy muffins for afters, and then I made my first official batch of soap - lemon and tea tree with fresh coffee grounds. Looks good so far.


  1. shell i'm so sorry to hear about your big soft bear..so sad. those memories of her you've spoke of here are lovely. i know how much this hurts and that only time can heal the loss..but sending you a big warm hug..x

    i love the sound of the lemon and tea tree soap with coffee grounds..will keep an eye out for when you have it in the shop..will be a great handsoap for the kitchen:)

  2. :-( poor little dot, i bet you were heartbroken when you found out. We had to have a funeral yesterday for our little baby chick who got killed - the kids were in tears and I was holding them back. A year of special times with your bear is bound to leave you feeling empty for a while :-( Hope all the crafting and cookings helped take your mind off it a bit.

  3. I'm so sorry about your little cat. You will miss him so much as he was obviously such a comforting part of your life. It's good that the crafting and cooking is helping to keep you busy, but give yourself time and be gentle on yourself. xxxx

  4. That's rubbish news, he was obviously an important part of your life. It is probably best to keep busy I guess, hope the creating things is keeping your mind off it. x

  5. Sorry to hear about your cat. They so quickly become a big part of your life in it is difficult when they go. Be gentle with yourself and enjoy looking at his photos and remembering happy moments xx

  6. Oh what a shame - poor thing. he seems to have quickly found a place in your hearts. Sending lots of hugs xxx

  7. :( so sorry to hear that, we've had 2 cats die this week. hugs x

  8. So sorry to hear about Casper. The tough times are when you see a little black bundle,perhaps a jumper thrown on a chair, and your heart gives a little leap, hoping it was all a terrible nightmare.

    Hope you manage to find comfort.

  9. Sending you some big ( and a little bit late.. sorry ) loves xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  10. Oh Shell...that is so sad...I keep hearing of more and more cats meeting this end...too much traffic!
    I think that the worst part of loss is that we miss the smaller, more insignificant things...things we usually take for granted...strange isn't it?

    On a lighter note...your jam looks scrummy :0)

    I have, and still do, Home Ed my three sprogs (rugrats)...nice to meet a fellow H.E.r

  11. so sorry to read this, huge hugs Mama xxx


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