10 October 2010


My darling Hubby's birthday is today - 10/10/10, what a date! I am so, so happy with his card. The campervan is the exact colour of our van...and I made it so he can use it as a badge too :o). Piccie of his cake - organic except for the sprinkles, as I didn't have 37 candles in the house. I love how the organic icing sugar makes this gorgeous pale gold colour - lovely (although extremely sickly).

I had some yogurt and some coconut milk that needed using up so I mixed them together with a little sugar and made ice-cream.

I've just finished a felt food order, so thought I'd finish these cards too. I'll get these in the shop tomorrow as the light isn't good enough to get a decent photo.
I've been struggling this last week with my mood/anger. I frightens me some times the anger that seems to build inside me so I've been trying to write things down in my journal. It seems to help for a little but I think I need to work through quite a few things which seem to bubble to the surface. I have been brave though and posted my cheque for the green parent weekend.


  1. Lovely lovely birthday treats and new makes - and yippeee, that cheque means we will be meeting you soon! :) :) :)

  2. Happy birthday to your husband! The cake looks tasty and I like the campervan card! :) x

  3. I love the campervan card!! I want to place an order in your shop, but I need an address first - moving house into a caravan on Friday and at the moment, the Post Office don't know it exists! I love those cat cards. xxx


Sending a smile to you all. Thank you for leaving a comment.