29 November 2010


Hubby made a joke earlier about the lack of decorating going on here - my mood plummeted dramatically! I think my Yule gift list is starting to look a little daunting - trying to find the time and space to make some of the items with the children in the house is very frustrating, the house is still in need of some serious decorating since the extension at the beginning of the year. Heck, even the housework being done would be nice!! Maybe his comment was the kick up the butt I needed to give myself, so this evening I've got the fruit steeping in brandy ready to make the christmas cake tomorrow. I've made 3 of the 5 (only got 3 tea cups at the minute) tea cup candles for the pamper hampers. I've got some bath melts setting in the fridge.

Hubby has now gone to work so I'm going to go to bed with my book, my blankets, and a couple of candles. Here's to a new day tomorrow.


  1. The tea cup candles look great and the fruit looks great for the Christmas cake. Hope you manage to get everything you want done! :) x

  2. Sometimes I need a kick up the bum too, I think, when you get started, you find that it's not so daunting and you start to enjoy it. Pour yourself a cuppa, stick the radio on and get cosy.

    I love those little candles and the pic of the fruit steeping is making me want to get on and make my Christmas puds, so thanks for that!

    Hope you aren't snowed in up there, we've been getting lots and lots of snow down here.

    Thanks for the tips regarding sock darning by the way. xxxxx

  3. Love those tea cup candles, where did you get your wicks and wax from as I have some tea cups I have been collecting that need doing.

    How about making sweets as gifts instead to take the stress off you a bit? I am making my nan ginger covered in dark choc and my other nan vanilla sugar as she loves baking. I am giving another a piccy framed that I took in the Summer of her with all her kiddies.

  4. Oh, I love the tea cup candles idea too. The wick looks thicker than what we use for our hand-dipped ones, I guess that is so it burns more slowly? What a great gift idea, I'm going to see if my son wants to do this.


Sending a smile to you all. Thank you for leaving a comment.