04 January 2011

Hello again

Just popping back in to show you a couple of things. Above and below are different chokers I crocheted the other night. The above one needs finishing and blocking. Loving these flowers.

I've had a few orders for the crocheted headbands with flowers on too. Hoping to get some in the shops later. I would like to make some rainbow crocheted star bunting to go in the shops too - got some yellow and blue done already. I've got soooo many ideas for things that it feels like my head will pop :0). Few for christmas cards too, so I'm either too late or reaaalllly early ;o).

I've added a new section on my sidebar as well. My Mum always had a pile of clothes that needed repairing on top of her sewing box, so I'm starting my own make do and mend pile. I got a couple more socks darned the other night and these are the ones that still need doing. There's also a sheet with a tear in it, some bargain curtains I picked up at the charity shop that still need shortening, a cardigan that's had a button missing for I-don't-know-how-many-years, and my coat that's had a button missing for a year too. Anyone care to join me?

Hope everyone is having a good day so far. xxxx


  1. I have a make do and mend pile too, but the lure of creating something new always wins out. I will try and join you!

  2. He he, your post made me chuckle, on my dressing table I had a pile of mending, all my 6 yr old son's trousers that have worn or ripped. I was going to patch or mend them but then I decided to use all the fabric to make a patchwork ball for my baby's 1st birthday in Feb. Going to use whatever's left of the trousers for stuffing too. It beats mending! Just need to find the time to start the project...

  3. I have a 'mending' box. Trouble is, by the time I get around to doing the mending quite often the kids have outgrown the clothes I'm supposed to be mending!

  4. I love your crochet choker and headband! The make do and mend pile is a great idea too! :-) x


Sending a smile to you all. Thank you for leaving a comment.