31 January 2011

Nearly February!!!!

Can you believe it!? February tomorrow! Let's hope it's not an end to my spring cleaning momentum as I'm actually enjoying it. Did I say that? I don't generally enjoy this cleaning lark but at the moment I am, so I am embracing it while it lasts. My bathroom is all but finished to how I would like it (I'm just hankering after a free standing towel rail now), and my bedroom.... my bedroom is amazing. I can see all the floor. There isn't a single thing at the side of my bed, and hubby has sorted out his bedside cabinet too. I can get into the wardrobe without having to move anything out of the way, my chest of drawers only has the things on it that are meant to be on it. And, the biggest revelation....windows are shiny when cleaned!!!!!!!! ;o).
Anyway, enough of this cleaning talk. At home ed group last week I'd organised the lady with whom I'd previously done a felting workshop to come and do a session with the kids. Well, us big kids had a play too, and made a felt ball that we then cut in half. We were all very impressed with them. We'll finish them off this week with some ribbons and beads.
Can you feel spring yet? I certainly can here, it's making me tingle. The birds are starting to sing more, the snowdrops (although later this year) are getting ready to burst into life, and there's just that feeling in the air. I've still not done any crafting. I think I need to force myself to at least finish the valentines cards that I've got half ready for the shop. Ho hum...back to the cleaning/sorting while it lasts ;o).


  1. Those felt balls look great! And I'm with you on the cleaning front, it is now a pleasure to walk into various rooms, or open the oven etc! I'm sure the sense of satisfaction is all the greater as we were in such a state!

  2. Lovely felt ball, perhaps something else we may see you doing more of soon - great fun.

  3. Once you get into the cleaning groove it's great! I don't enjoy the actual work but enjoy the feeling of being clean, tidy and organised afterwards. I'm too busy crafting to do anything more than everyday housework like food prep and laundry at the moment. All the windows could do with a clean but they'll just have to wait. The felt balls are nice, they could be used for all sorts of projects I think.

  4. When it comes to the point of having to do a bg clean up I just put on some really loud motivational music.....Bowie or Phil Collins, maybe Layla by Eric Clapton, or even a little Dire Straits and pretend I'm doing an areobic workout.......it works for me every time.........not sure what the neighbours think why they spy me through the window shaking my bits round the room with the hoover.

    Love those felt balls.

    florrie x

  5. The felt balls are great, what a good idea to do at a home ed group!! My bedroom really needs cleaning, it's dreadful, clothes everywhere and junk on the dressing table. Each night I go to bed promising to clean it up the next day and then I forget until the next evening! It's lovely to go to bed in a beautifully, clean room, enjoy! xx


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