27 April 2011

A bit of alsorts

I can't believe it's been 10 days again since I last updated the blog! We had our first trip to the bootsales last weekend and a trip to the charity shops yesterday so I've had quite a few bargains. There's been some old cotton reels and some wool (I'm not even going to try apologising for those ;o) ), some clothes, some plant pot holders, the old candle holder (20p!!!) - all bargains really. I do love a bargain.

There was also the monthly trip to the farmers market which culminated in me nearly peeing my pants as I spotted a new stall containing hand-spun wool, handmade items made from said wool, sheepskins and a lady plying wool right there. The downside was I didn't have any time to stop and talk (other than to ask whether they would be there next month) or any spare cash to actually purchase anything. I'm counting down the days ;o).

Here's what I have on the go at the minute - this will be made into a bag for my sister-in-law for her birthday in June. And then this will be a scarf for my mother-in-law in November. The scarf is very tedious after doing the blanket where I didn't really have to think of what I was doing. I think that's why I needed to start on the bag. This will be lined with cotton, with a handle added.

There have been no more new people at the Knitter Natter group. I'm feeling very disheartened by it all to be perfectly honest (yes I know I'm being impatient) but it/I feel like it's just not enough. I'll give it a few more weeks then re-think things. I have heard of one in a town quite local to me that has just started. It's being run by the owner of a new wool shop so I may have to give that a go.

Hope everyone else is having a good time and the sun is shining wherever you are.


  1. Lovely bargains, and I agree no need to apologise for buying wool and cotton - they're necessities to a crafter ;)
    Love the candle holder.
    Shame about the low response to the Knitter Natter group, would have thought it popular with the increase in people knitting, etc. Hope you get more response or find the other group useful x

  2. Lovely things, and that new wool stall sounds fantastic!

  3. The bags-in-progress both look fab, looking forward to seeing them when finished.


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