24 May 2011


Wow, 500 posts on my blog! I never really thought about longevity (two and a half years so far) when I started doing this, but here I am still. It's gone from something that was originally to share my crafts with, to something which has helped with my grief, something to rant with, to advertise my business with, to meet some lovely people with, to learn so much with...what a wonderful thing this online world is. Thank you for all your love, support, comments, friendship...it means an awful lot to me. I shall be organising a give-away prize in the next few days so watch this space.

Now then, back to the real reason for the post :o). I've been doing some serious thinking about my little business these last few weeks. Cash is tight (as it is for most people) so I was considering trying to find a job, but then I thought I should just put a bit more effort into Handmade Haven...so with that in mind I made myself a banner :o).


  1. Wow, 500 posts!! I love your blog, it is very 'down to earth' and honest and I love seeing the stuff you make, you are very talented. That banner is beautiful and I'm really glad you are going to be doing more with your website. Can I be rude and suggest something? As you know, I love your cards and have bought quite a few of them, but I'd love you to have some new designs as I don't want to risk buying the same card for the same person (I forget which cards I send to people!) and I always look on your website before going out and buying a card.

    Very much looking forward to reading about your plans. xxxxx

  2. Happy 500th to a blog I always enjoy clicking on when I see new posts! I love your banner, very nice. Look forward to hearing more about your plans for your craft business.

    Wow, just checked and I'm only about 26 posts off 500, food for thought for me too.

    It's been wonderful sharing the journey with you and meeting you in this space xxx

  3. Ooh, sounds like exciting times ahead. Looking forward to seeing what your plans are. 500 posts, that's quite a milestone. Congratulations!

  4. happy 500th blogpostiversary :-)
    i love your blog too..always nice to pop in here. great banner..i hope all goes well with the extra effort you'll be putting into handmade haven. as you know i'm a big fan of your delicious soaps (the best there is of their kind) my partner loves them too!

    are there any little shops in your area that might take some of your stuff..even on a sale or return basis to start off with?? an extra outlet..just a thought.



Sending a smile to you all. Thank you for leaving a comment.