09 May 2011

Crafty Joy :o)

Yes I know summer is upon us but I've had an urge for a while to try some chunky mittens, so last night after the Knitter Natter group I thought I'd make a start. I found the pattern on Ravelry, it calls for a chunkish wool and 6mm dpn.

I've also been doing some new brooches - these will have big felt leaves added to them to make a good sized brooch. And see my little treat there....just £8 on ebay for some gorgeous hooks.

The ongoing flower scarf - I have to admit that this is a pain in the butt...all the counting and remembering to join, and it's so fiddly....I think that's why I've got a few other things on the go too.

And this is the bag I'm making for my sister-in-law's birthday. It's all stitch up on the sides, I've made the loops for the buttons, a long piece which I may add to the handle (not decided how I'm doing that yet) and the fabric arrived so I can line it. She loves purple and cats so this fabric should be perfect ;o).


I wasn't sure whether I was going to add this bit but it was so freaky, in a good way, so I'll tell you. While I was at Knitter Natters last night the conversation got onto Mum's. The lady I was there with (yes there's still only 2 of us) didn't know I'd lost my Mum so she asked me what happened. As I got to the final day at the hospital the song we played at her funeral came on the jukebox!!! I was speechless and the other lady was near to tears too. So odd, freaky and comforting all at the same time. When hubby got home from work I was telling him and he grabbed my arm in comfort, but I told him there was no need, it didn't upset me, it was just amazing really. So there, she's still with me, helping me, watching me, guiding me, loving me xxx


  1. Shell, your projects are just lovely, and your mum story made me teary. So wonderful! Yes, she is still with you. :)

  2. Lovely post missus! I do think your KN group will grow though so stick with it! See you in a few weeks :) xxx

  3. That's a lovely thing to remember about your mum. Agree with others that your knitting group will grow when people catch on to it more.

    Those mitts are very cute! xxxx


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