30 June 2011


Go take a look at my other blog for some exciting news....please :o)

27 June 2011

I'm melting....

I'm british and I'm going to complain about the weather ;o)....blimey it's hot!! See that there thermostat...23 degrees and it's only just past 8am. I will be mostly melting today :o).

I forgot to show you the Fathers Day card I made for my Dad...just a slight variation on the birthday card tweet tweet as he likes birds. No idea if he actually liked it (or even opened it) as he's still grieving so doesn't really 'do' occasions.

We nipped to the beach on Saturday and saw some planes for the Armed Forces Day, but most importantly we found masses of these.......

....sea glass pieces. I love sea glass and we're usually lucky if we find 5 or 6 pieces, so to find this much (and it doesn't include JJ's haul) is just amazing. My sea glass jar is nearly full :o).

We did go to the country fair too....it was soooo hot though with hardly any shade anywhere so we were all quite grumpy when we got home.

Hope everyone else had a good weekend with some sunshine :o).

24 June 2011

More Birthdays!!

Finally finished the bag for my SIL the day before her birthday - it's a good job I'm organised not!! Her card was like the one below but it was purple felt/writing...this one is for my nephew who's birthday is today.

And here's something a little different. I'd had a ball of really chunky wool sat next to me for months (yes, organised again) as I couldn't decide what to do with it. Then I had an idea so I started, then added some other wools too and this is what I came up with...

...a bedside mat. It's really thick as I used a 9mm hook and really soft too. I've got another on the hook now ;o).

Hope everyone actually has some sunshine where you are, and that you have some lovely plans for the weekend. We're off to the local agricultural show in the next village and a mini heat wave has been forcast so it should be good.

19 June 2011


We've had a birthday in the house...12!! Blimey that's nearly 2 teenagers..eek. He put his own candles on, lit them and blew them out one by one - who needs wishes :o).

I'm going to be spending the afternoon making a couple of birthday cards for my SIL and nephew, and finishing her bag (it's a good job I started it months ago!!), before having my Sunday lunch then going out to Knitter natter. I've also been designing a few more cards so I'll be doing some of those later too.

Can I just have a little winge about leaving comments on other blogs. I know that a few others have been having the same problems with logging in/leaving comments but blogger says it's been fixed! Well it hasn't blogger...I've been unable to leave comments on loads of blogs that I would usually respond to. It feels horrible not been able to say something when someone has gone to loads of trouble to prepare a post, especially if that post is from someone who may need a little lift/boost/virtual hug. Lets hope it gets sorted out properly.

11 June 2011

We have a winner!

All the names went into the hat and Helen_D came out :o). Let me have your address Helen (email me at mail@handmadehaven.co.uk) and I'll get your bunting into the post on Monday. Thanks to everyone who entered, and huge thanks to all of those who take the time out of your busy days to read my waffling :o).

09 June 2011


.....these prayers and blessings with everyone :o). This lovely lady brought some back for me so they are now fluttering in the wind in the back garden. They look stunning. Thank you again Ruth.

It's my brother and sister's birthday today so here's the cards....

.....and a star hanger thingy for my sister. She also received the crochet scarf that I made at the beginning of the year. She thought it was a table runner but hey ho! :o).

Oh, and I just have to show you these. They are my first ever lasagnes! I've never eaten lasagne as I've never liked it, which meant that no-one else got to eat them either. Well today I was going out for dinner with my sister for her birthday so I thought I'd have a go at making one for the boys. I made that much that I have one for the freezer too...and even better...I tried a bit and I loved it!!!!! Think I shall be adding that to our menu then (and buying myself a proper lasagne dish).

07 June 2011


Meat and tattie pie made from leftover brisket from Sundays dinner. Even better is the 2nd pie (below right) I managed to get out of the leftovers, so there's one gone in the freezer. I had enough pastry leftover to make a small apple pie - uncooked here....

....and out of the oven here, mmmmmmm.

I'm also loving this magazine. I know it has been mentioned on a few blogs already but I can't praise it enough. It may not be taxing enough for some crafters but for me it is fabulous, and it's full of pieces - whether they be vintage items of craft items (or vintage craft items ;o) ) - that just make me smile so much. It feels like the perfect magazine, and it also makes me realise I'm not an that much of an oddity either ;o). It's also made me realise that the Knitter Natter group is not exactly what I wanted either....I want something that is based around all fabric/yarn crafts, something where we can sit for the afternoon and craft away with a cuppa, where we can have a demo on something one month, where we can swap supplies/stories/laughs, where we can learn from each other....I think I better stop yearning and see how I can make this happen.

Hope you've all got something your loving right now.

Don't forget ;o)

My shop blog where you can see my new items :o)

And don't forget to enter the give-away either.

04 June 2011

Garden treats and surprises


Freebie crate from our local recycling centre which is now filled with chive seeds as the chickens decided they loved my others!!

A wonderful surprise hidden at the back of the garden....redcurrants growing through from a neighbours plant.

Chamomile growing in the grass (yes it is a bit long but I bent the lawnmower blade and I'm waiting for hubby to straighten it again).

Fabulous, rich compost - £1 a bag at our local recycling/council centre.

I forgot to show you these in March, but they are actually sweet violets growing in the garden - another wonderful surprise.

I LOVE roses, and this one is a stunner. It's huge and blousy and smells absolutely divine.

A couple of snails full of the joys of spring ;o).

And the same for the chickens ;o).

And my poor strawberries that the chickens destroyed. I managed to save 10 of plants, although there was hardly any plant left, and look at them now. There's not much plant but they are all heaving with strawberries.

Don't forget my little give-away to celebrate over 500 blog posts. Just leave a comment, and you can spread the word if you like.

Give-away time

To celebrate my 500th blog post here's a little give-away. All you need to do to be in with a chance to win this garland is leave a comment. I'll draw a name out of the hat on 11th June so that gives you all a week. Good luck :o), and I'll post anywhere so go share.

01 June 2011

Drooling over bargains

The wool in the bag was gifted..a gorgeous cotton/acrylic mix. Then the others are wool mixes from the charity shop yesterday.

And the best bit is this fabulous cotton double sheet for £2...just need to find a pattern so I can make myself a skirt :o)