27 June 2011

I'm melting....

I'm british and I'm going to complain about the weather ;o)....blimey it's hot!! See that there thermostat...23 degrees and it's only just past 8am. I will be mostly melting today :o).

I forgot to show you the Fathers Day card I made for my Dad...just a slight variation on the birthday card tweet tweet as he likes birds. No idea if he actually liked it (or even opened it) as he's still grieving so doesn't really 'do' occasions.

We nipped to the beach on Saturday and saw some planes for the Armed Forces Day, but most importantly we found masses of these.......

....sea glass pieces. I love sea glass and we're usually lucky if we find 5 or 6 pieces, so to find this much (and it doesn't include JJ's haul) is just amazing. My sea glass jar is nearly full :o).

We did go to the country fair too....it was soooo hot though with hardly any shade anywhere so we were all quite grumpy when we got home.

Hope everyone else had a good weekend with some sunshine :o).


  1. wow great haul of seaglass!

    Aye warm here too, there's a breeze thankfully, but gawd it's still meltingly hot. Blummin' weather, one minute it's cold enough to get out the winter fleecy dressing gown.... and then its baking hot.

    Sunny and pleasantly warm... is that too much to ask for?

  2. Hope you find a cool spot. Love the banner. xx

  3. Well, if you're going to complain about the heat, then I'll join you!! I'm not usually a sweaty person, but I spent most of yesterday with a towel stuffed down my bra!! Not a great look, combined with red, shiny face!! There is a bit of a breeze today though, so hopefully it won't be so stifling and according to Countryfile, we'll be getting thunder storms later on!

    The bird house card is really lovely. I have posted the one I bought from you already and I know the recipient will love it! Your cards really are lovely.

    Hope you can keep cool today. xxxx

  4. Forgot to say how pretty the sea-glass is. At some point, I'd love to try doing some kind of mosaic with all the broken pottery I've kept along the way. Sea-glass would look very pretty done in a mosaic around a bathroom mirror, although it looks just as nice in your jar!

  5. If I could post a picture in the comments I would photograph our thermometer - noticed it this morning whilst doing breakfast and it was already 26!!!
    Nearly 11am and it's past 30 now, I'm thinking of getting Imogens paddling pool out for myself ;-)

  6. Ooh pressed publish too early - love the collection of glass x

  7. Beautiful sea glass. It was warm here too, up North and 20 degrees at 7am. The plans for playing with the spinning wheel were put on hold so we could dash off to the beach instead. Lovely card Shell, you are so clever a making those.

  8. Lovely to find others in the uk too! Yes it is hot, but only briefly. Your blog is really good for inspiration I'l be a visitor often!

  9. Love the glass jar! And Pippa, I have a great image of you now, with a towel-stuffed bra - very quirky! xxx

  10. lucky you.. all that seaglass!
    it's been roasting here too.. we live ina top floor flat.. it's like being in a greenhouse at the end of the day...phew!

  11. Ooooh, that's gorgeous! I have never ever found a piece of real sea glass, but I will keep on looking. :)

  12. Great sea glass finds! I love it too and always collect it when we are at the ocean. I keep meaning to use some as a pendant for a necklace.


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