05 August 2011

Book Recommendation

This book was recommended by the lovely Ruth - I've just finished reading it today and it's amazing. It's about a group of women who used to write to each other via a secret magazine which started after a plea for help from a Mum in Nursery World magazine in 1935. Through the magazine they gave each other support, love and friendship for over 60 years - it brought me to tears on a few occasions, and the woman I read about inspired me completely. I heartily recommend it to any woman :o)


  1. That sounds like a good book. I have so many I want to read but there just isn't time for them all, sadly.

  2. Thanks for mentioning this book, I'm in a bit of a book rut at the moment so I'll give it a go! xxx

  3. I'm nearly finished it so I shall comment on the thread - it is really heart-warming and sad at the same time xxx

  4. I loved it too after Ruth recommended it I borrowed it from the library. Definately some sad reasing but true life and they really opened their hearts and homes. Loved it x


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