24 August 2011

Thank You

Thank you for all the lovely comments on my last post, they mean an awful lot to me. I probably shouldn't have said about our financial sitution on the www but, heck, I'm sure many of us are going through similiar things. Anyway, this week has been about the same except for the minor stress of wondering whether I was going to get a biggish order for an event held in London...I got the job which is absolutely amazing.

I've still been attending the Wednesday Knitter Knatter where I shall just make scarves (above picture) and bits for the christmas shoeboxes, while nattering, of course :o). At the Sunday Knitter Knatter we actually had a new member too, and a lady who was having a meal in the restaurant stopped and chatted too, so hopefully she'll be brave enough to come next week.

This is a little bag I finished yesterday. It's made with the hand-spun wool I got from the farmers market a couple of months ago. As the wool is quite stiff I thought a bowl or bag would be great.

Right, lots to do so I best get off here. Thank you again lovely people of cyber space.


  1. Glad things have started moving upwards a wee bit Shell - well done on your big order - can't wait to see more. xxx

  2. well done on your order. I plesed things sre looking on the up, lots of love. x x x

  3. Hi Shell,

    great to catch up with you, I have begun a new blog after some personal problems with "two pairs of socks and an apron" and am using my grandmothers name lily.

    Love the knitted bag and congratulations on landing that job.

    lily (florrie)


Sending a smile to you all. Thank you for leaving a comment.