27 October 2011


I'm not usually one for text speak but OMG..I passed my driving test!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Thought I'd failed as a bloody rag 'n' bone cart pulled in front of me (it could only happen to me on my test), then I ended up stalling...but, anyway, I passed!!!!!!!! 

Flipping heck, that means I'm allowed out on my own...eek!

26 October 2011


...I'm surprisingly calm, although if my last couple of lessons are anything to go by, I'm sure I won't stay calm for long!  Why is it when I get close to something as huge as a driving test I end up making silly mistakes while driving!  Anyway, tomorrow is the big day.  My hubby is the only family member who knows the exact date and time, as I didn't want people constantly asking about it.  It would be really great if you could all keep your fingers crossed for me...hopefully I'll have my little green P to show you. xx

23 October 2011


13 days since I last posted!  Loads has been happening - my youngest turned 5, I've had an appointment with a business adviser about making Handmade Haven official, visits to our local Fishing Heritage Centre and the National Space Centre, and more driving lessons in preparation for my test next week.  Trying to remain calm about that last one but the closer I get the worse I feel (rescue remedy helping a little).

I made grape jelly yesterday with the mountain of grapes my Dad brought me from his vines.  Still got to use another pile too!  Not much else to say really...hope everyone else is keeping busy.

10 October 2011


Where has the week gone again!  We've had a whole week sat at the table and it's fabulous.  I've had more driving lessons...and booked my test for the end of the month, eeeekkkk.  I've done lots of sewing, website changing, and waiting for deliveries so I can get on with the new soap varieties over at Handmade Haven.

It's hubby's birthday today so I made his card yesterday while he was at work.  Today I shall be making tea for the stream of people that will be in and out, I'll be trying to ignore the lounge that still looks like a storeroom because of the kitchen, and I'll be making homemade pizza for tea.  Doesn't sound too bad (especially if I manage to make some soap too).

02 October 2011

At last

(Picture by JJ)

After living here for 4 years, 4 months and 1 week, we finally had our first meal sat at a table...and how fabulous it was.  When we moved in the kitchen was tiny, with an even tinier breakfast bar!!  Not suitable at all for 5 people (even though one of them had a high chair!).  So after adding a bedroom, moving a bathroom and a bedroom, then knocking a couple of other internal walls down, having 2 Christmas lunches on our knee!!!!, we had the space to put up a table.  We still need to paint and sort out the flooring, but heck...we really, really needed that table.