02 October 2011

At last

(Picture by JJ)

After living here for 4 years, 4 months and 1 week, we finally had our first meal sat at a table...and how fabulous it was.  When we moved in the kitchen was tiny, with an even tinier breakfast bar!!  Not suitable at all for 5 people (even though one of them had a high chair!).  So after adding a bedroom, moving a bathroom and a bedroom, then knocking a couple of other internal walls down, having 2 Christmas lunches on our knee!!!!, we had the space to put up a table.  We still need to paint and sort out the flooring, but heck...we really, really needed that table. 


  1. Lovely. I wish you many merry meals around your new table. xxx

  2. It must feel wonderful to come to the end of such a big renovation, enjoy your new kitchen and table. x

  3. That's a long wait, but just imagine how lovely that table is going to look with Christmas dinner spread over it and candles in the middle!! xxxxx

  4. Pippa?! What are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be busy birthing a babe? Lol

    Had our first meal in over 3 months round a table last night. We were sat amongst total chaos and tins of paint but it makes such a difference to family meal times to be sat at a table!

  5. Hi, I've been looking at your blog this morning. love your crafts. BTW, we just got a dining room table after living in our house for nearly 5 months. We used tv trays, our laps, and often sat on the floor. But the table really made a big difference. I love it and I know you will love yours! Simple things that you appreciate when you didn't have them before...



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