22 December 2011

Two Days....

Two days, both holding two different meanings for me.  Firstly, my first born turned 14.  We opened presents, we gathered the larger family together to have food and celebrate,....

...we ate cake, we laughed, we listened to music...

....we gave him his own door key (thank you Claire for the idea), with a keyring made by the fabulous Pippa.  Go take a peek at her shop ...she can do bespoke items too :o).  As I was in the kitchen for most of the day I also made the Christmas puds.

Second day...the six year anniversary marking the day my Mum died.  I still dwell on the details of the day, even though I know I shouldn't.  I know I would get loads more christmassy things done if I weren't counting down the days until this day, but.... on the actual day (the 21st) I'm actually ok.  I light a candle, my mood lifts, I think of her, I made two lots of soap in preparation for my first craft fairs, I made the cards for the boys and the Hubby...

 ...I finished the chocolate frog earrings (a pair for a lovely friend and a pair for me)...

...I made some hanging snowmen for two other lovely friends from the home ed group.  By the end of the night I was very excited about Christmas again.  I dreamt about her overnight...she came to see me...she's still there, in my heart :o).


  1. What a lovely day your son had, love Pippa's keyrings, didn't realise she made them! The little snowman looks so cute - look at the little face. Re your Mum's rememberance day, I think you are only being human to run things over in your mind, it must be hard so don't be hard on yourself , go with the flow xxx

  2. I bought some keyrings from Pippa for various xmas presents, including one for my oldest son, snap. They are fabulous.

  3. I always have a shock when I see stuff that I've made on people's blogs. It's great to see a photo of the keyring with keys attached and ready for use! :)

    Of course your mum must be very much in your thoughts at this time and from what you've put in your blog, she was a lovely mum who had a huge part in your life. I imagine she would have been very happy, seeing you making all those lovely things on the anniversary of her death. She was a very crafty lady herself wasn't she and there is such a lot of 'life' in creativity. Making new and beautiful things out of raw materials, it's the perfect way to remember your mum on that day and she would be hugely proud. I'm so glad she came to you in your dream, I hope it gave you comfort and knowledge that she's always with you. Sending you a big hug and wishing you and your family a very, very happy Christmas. xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  4. Looks like a lovely birthday, and glad you liked the keyring idea!

    Anniversaries are difficult aren't they. But whilst there will always be the sadness side of it, I am prefering to take comfort in the remembering, that is their legacy, that they are remembered, and that their influence remains in this world even after they have left. (((hugs)))

  5. Beautiful, happy birthday to your eldest.
    Much love to you as you remember your Mom, always with you in your heart and in your crafting x

    Have a wonderful time over the festive season xxx

  6. I love Pippa's leather goodies - aren't they fabulous! Your makes are all gorgeous, the snowmen are pretty and I love the chocolate frog earrings! Have a merry Christmas and New Year! :) x


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