22 January 2012

Had to share my exciting news

I'm very excited as I've just had my membership to the Guild of Craft Soap & Toiletry Makers confirmed.  For me it just seems to make my soap making and selling seem a little more professional.  Just wanted to share with you all :o)

21 January 2012

Another Adventure?

(These tulips are just beautiful...a little treat to myself)

Another adventure?  I certainly hope so anyway.  Those of you who've followed me for a while will be aware of my failed attempt at getting a knitter knatter group going.  Well...I've just bitten the bullet and booked the village hall once a month for a small craft group.  The ladies at the home ed group really enjoy attempting crafty things, although not all of them like crocheting or knitting, so we thought we'd have a monthly meeting and just have a go (minus the children!).  It'll be very informal, and I'll definitely not be advertising unless the group initially works with just the ladies I know.  Hopefully, by starting small, and less often, it'll actually take off this time ;o).

15 January 2012

Promised Pictures and My Latest Adventure

I realised while I was playing with the new layout (do you like it?) that I'd not shown you my new kitchen cupboards or the flowers on the money tree plant, so here they are!   You'll have to excuse the bare walls...we're still decorating the kitchen.  Can you see the blue and red hearts on the counter top?  They were our christmas gift from our middle son :o).  He made them out of lego!   The flowers are a little past their best now, but you can still see how gorgeous they are.  They must like that window sill (or my neglect of them) as I asked my Nan about hers but she's never had one that flowered. 

These two bowls were made by a lovely friend.  They are just gorgeous.  She has only just discovered felting and is enjoying it so much, as you can tell. 

Now then, I thought I would share my lastest little adventure - I have stepped into the world of lego.  Yes..I have succumbed to the lego obsession in our house.  Although it has to be said, what better way to combine my love of Harry Potter and the boys love of lego than with Harry Potter Lego!!  So we have the Knight Bus and The Burrow.  I shall get back to the sewing now them ;o).

11 January 2012

Another Week

Not necessarily adventures in the normal sense but we've definitely been busy!  We had our annual home education inspection, which went really well.  I've been busy making lots of soap for my first craft fair adventure (you can see more about that over on my other blog)....now I can concentrate on the sewing side of things.  We've also had JJ in hospital for a little op...he was very brave and is home today so he can recover a little.  I know he would rather have been at school as he loves it so much!

04 January 2012

The First Adventure

A year for adventures.  Here's the first one!  JJ decided months ago that he wanted to go to school.  Today is the first day.  I was excited.  Now I'm nervous.  He was very excited.  I know I've got loads to do today to keep me busy.  I'll probably get none of it done.  Roll on three o'clock!

02 January 2012

So there went Christmas (with 20 boxes of Lego between us), then New Year, with card games that are still ongoing, onto 2012.  What will it bring?  I'm hoping for lots of love, lots of laughter, and lots of adventures - big and small.  What about you?