15 January 2012

Promised Pictures and My Latest Adventure

I realised while I was playing with the new layout (do you like it?) that I'd not shown you my new kitchen cupboards or the flowers on the money tree plant, so here they are!   You'll have to excuse the bare walls...we're still decorating the kitchen.  Can you see the blue and red hearts on the counter top?  They were our christmas gift from our middle son :o).  He made them out of lego!   The flowers are a little past their best now, but you can still see how gorgeous they are.  They must like that window sill (or my neglect of them) as I asked my Nan about hers but she's never had one that flowered. 

These two bowls were made by a lovely friend.  They are just gorgeous.  She has only just discovered felting and is enjoying it so much, as you can tell. 

Now then, I thought I would share my lastest little adventure - I have stepped into the world of lego.  Yes..I have succumbed to the lego obsession in our house.  Although it has to be said, what better way to combine my love of Harry Potter and the boys love of lego than with Harry Potter Lego!!  So we have the Knight Bus and The Burrow.  I shall get back to the sewing now them ;o).


  1. Loving you cupboards! Indoor plants and I are a bad combination, sadly. Enjoy your lego fix too. xxx

  2. I had a money tree that flowered every winter, it was beautiful, such delicate flowers.

    I think I may have to join you with the Lego thing when the hobbit hole comes out! ;)

  3. Great photos. My boys are always asking if I will play Lego with them. Trouble is, my creations are so cr*p and they would (and do) laugh at them. My Lego car still hasn't evolved from an 8-stud plank with four wheels and a sterring wheel attatched!! It's a great toy though and I do like making Lego buildings, maybe I should sit down with them and have a proper play!! xx

  4. Oh my, I'm just realising how long of been away from the 'blogosphere'. I have a lot of catching up to do! x


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