26 March 2012

Button Swap

When noodleBubble posted on twitter about a button swap I just couldn't resist ;o).  My partner was the lovely Anthea over at Tales from Mount Pleasant.  We swapped our buttons last week and here's mine...

 ...aren't they just gorgeous.  I think my favourites are the love hearts button and the yellow cats eye type button, athough it changes everytime I look at them.  Here's the buttons I sent to her...it's funny how mine are all bright, darker colours and hers are pastel colours.  I just love how we're all different and steer towards certain things :o).

I also sent a felt Button Fanatic brooch too...think I'll have to make some more of these ;o)

1 comment:

  1. What lovely buttons! I love the button brooch as well! Amazing!


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