31 March 2012

Spring Saturday

I decided I would drag the kids to the woods so I could get my annual treat of wild garlic.  It's not quite in flower yet but I did get a colander full (I did restrain myself as the crop in the woods didn't seem as abundant as it did last year).  I also got some catkins and some blackthorn to add to my forsythia on the kitchen table.

We were rather cold when we got back (normal spring weather resumed today) so we had pancakes for lunch.  These are the Jamie Oliver version and oh so yummy.  While I was clearing up JJ decorated his plastic egg that he got in a kit.  Hopefully won't take too long to dry!

While I had the camera out I took a picture of my carnation shoots that I've got in water.  I bought myself a bunch of them to go on the kitchen table, and when I got them unwrapped they were covered in new shoots up the stems so I pulled them all off before I put the flowers in the jug.  In a few weeks I shall plant them in the garden and hopefully the garden will then be full of yellow carnations.


  1. Oooooohhhhh I didn't realise you could do that with carnations!

  2. Hi there,
    I am struggling to find wild garlic this year and usually it is so abundant in North Lincolnshire woodlands. I was wondering what do you make with it?



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