07 March 2012


The second craft evening was such fun :o).  We didn't have as many people as intended to be there, but it was good.  Lots of chatting and crafting ensued - it was so good to have people to craft with for a change too.  My sister even told me that she would like to attend the next one, which is a miracle as she doesn't really do crafting.  Success all round I think.  We shall be playing with broken tiles next month :o).


  1. That's brilliant, well done. I bet the people really enjoyed themselves, there's something about crafting that puts people into a good mood and it's even nicer to meet up with other people and swap ideas etc. I went to a textile group once and it was so relaxing, just spending a couple of hours sewing with nobody tugging at my sleeve and listening to the funny conversations that were going on around me. I hope this group takes off and grows. xxx

  2. Looks brilliant - wish I lived closer :-)


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