04 May 2012

Cor blimey...

I'm trying desperately to get organised but it's not working that well I have to say!  Every time I cross things off the list, it seems that another 2 are added!  I'm not feeling quite so overwhelmed this week, although still ridiculously busy.  Thank you all for the lovely comments on my last post.  They do help a lot.  I really don't know how these mum's that work full time, then ferry their kids here there and everywhere actually manage to do it. 

Anyway, enough whinging...I came to show you my first attempts at needle felting at Craft Group.  I did the brooch first.  We used some dis-solvable paper to use as a template then needle felted a flower, then a leaf.  I added the button at home once it was all dry.  I much preferred doing the picture - it's only 15cm x 11cm so quite dinky.  Next month is wet felting :o) 

I've had my best ever week sales wise this week which is fabulous as they've been no craft fairs either.  Obviously it means that not much housework has been done though!  Never mind ;o).  Why not pop over to my other blog to see my new additions.


  1. Your needle felting is lovely! I like to do pictures as you can just go with the flow of your creativity. Gorgeous picture - any plans for it?

    Good to hear sales are going well too.
    Have a lovely weekend x

  2. These are lovely, really pretty and stylish X

  3. It's beautiful. .Super like it :)


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